Well, as funny as it get, there is such a thing being developed for almost a decade
As Ripple CTO Stefan Thomas said in 2017 they build a : "gold that you can teleport into any vault in the world instantly"

Exemple : you can invite 12 of them for a party ripple.com/insights/rippl…
Or you aim higher and go play with the IMF
Now you made a digital "gold-like" asset
You met with central banks and IMF
They know your product is "digital gold-like" that can be interopable + you have a tool that enable On Demand Liquidity
And they showed impressives surges in earnings and performances in stockmarket aswell (cf. Thread #MGIBelievers)
This liquidity tool is powered by your digital gold backed asset
You cost sh## in remittance fees
Central banks know the power of your product and you got integrated in their private club, their money transfer system aka SWIFT
All i'm saying is; if there is a digital gold incoming, some guys are in a better position than others
#xrpcommmunity #XRP #Ripple
@thebearablebull @BCBacker @XrpMr @X__Anderson