The gall...

The declared intent of flying to Rome was for a "photo-op" of #Bernie shaking hands with THE POPE!
And he brought all his relatives with him so they could see Rome.
Well, how much time does it take to see Rome, anyway, right? What? TWO days?
Hotels are expensive!
After spending ONE DAY seeing Rome, and he was turned-down for an audience with THE POPE (Jeez, who does he think he is?), he AMBUSHES THE POPE
According to #Bernie, that was the plan. Mission Accomplished! Let's go home.
And THAT'S the story he's sticking with.
He had a HUGE pile of money from the Russians...

@MalcolmNance back me up - The NSA does NOT spy on the Vatican Bank.

Panama Papers story broke Monday, by Saturday #Bernie and his WHOLE FAMILY (incl in-laws and nieces) were on a chartered full-sized jet to Rome for ONE DAY.
Meeting w/ handler in the only place that NSA doesn't bug?
HIS JET - Flight to Moscow?
That sound like info The Pope's Security Team would share w/ #Bernie, who, not to make a big deal of it, ISN'T Catholic?
You think maybe Russian Spies knew the Pope's travel plans?