He's the same foreign minister of Jordan who's on the record promising the kingdom will hold tight to its beloved pizzeria bomber #AhlamTamimi, wanted on terror charges in Washington: thisongoingwar.blogspot.com/2019/11/dear-m…
Why are we, and not the world's media, the ones telling you this?

Tamimi boasts of what she did, of the children she blew up. She's adored for it in her country, Jordan. Her freedom and her fame continue as of today even while the US offers $5M for her capture and conviction. But she's not in hiding.

When #Jordan, beneficiary of massive US aid, shields #AhlamTamimi from US prosecutors, Jordanians understand the message: that the fugitive bomber's terrorism isn't terror at all. Because it's legitimate to kill Jewish children.
And that is why we fight for justice.

Please sign the petition:
"Demand Jordan extradites celebrity terrorist Ahlam Tamimi, the Sbarro massacre bomber, now."
Until she stands trial in front of US judges, Tamimi will continue to be an inspiration to untold numbers of followers.