For my MSc by research @DICE_Kent I’m deciphering crest growth in #GreatCrestedNewts at individual and population levels. 🐸🦎
#DICECON20 #SpsMon3 #phenology #frogfriday

Male #GCNs grow ornamental crests every year during aquatic breeding period.
As UK seasons become less distinct, #pond arrival times are less predictable.
So what is happening with #crest development?🧐
#DICECON20 #SpsMon3 #sexualselection #ecology
We photographed >100 individual #newts over 2 breeding periods and tracked changes in crest size + shape using #ImageJ software.
Does early arrival = Early growth peak?
Or ⬆ growth period i.e. potential mating advantage?
#DICECON20 #SpsMon3 #phenology #herpetology
Preliminary results show synchronisation of peak growth between individuals.
But timing of peak varies by year, so climatic factors could be highly relevant and will be investigated further. 🌍🌧🌡
(N.B. This is a small sample of my data)
#DICECON20 #SpsMon3 #herpetology
Later, I’ll be comparing crest development with age, body condition, and length of time spent at breeding ponds. Hope to contribute to understanding of #urodele life history and encourage others to consider phenology in amphibs.🐸🦎
#DICECON20 #SpsMon3 #herpetology

#Climatechange can contribute to #amphibian declines in ways that are not acutely lethal so easily overlooked!
Long-term #monitoring of different populations and species is vital to understand impacts and plan for #conservation
#DICECON20 #SpsMon3 #herpetology
Disclaimer: All handling, measuring etc. was carried out under @NaturalEngland license.