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Jul 24th 2020
Hi! #DICECON20 #HumWild2 / Mesocarnivores in agri. lands of southern Chile
1/ We evaluate the Impact of landuse intensification in agricultural areas on mesocarnivores for applied recommendations to foster working landscapes = Ag.+Biodiv
@Jo_infantev @cedelUC @VillarricaUC
2/ Meso-carnivores play vital roles in ecosystems. The guild is comprised of 5 native species, which comprise 70% of total large mammal species of agricultural systems of southern Chile. One species, the small feline Leopardus guigna is considered Vulnerable.
3/ We test hypothesis of diff. effects of landuse intensification impacts of forest frag/loss + how land ownership divides landscape (coarse filter of human influence) + occurrence of domestic dogs and cats.
180 sample units / nearly 9,000 camtrap nights and 3,000 ind. detections
Read 7 tweets
Jul 24th 2020
[1/6] #Climatechange can affect #amphibians indirectly, but few studies look at changes in size or #morphology
For my MSc by research @DICE_Kent I’m deciphering crest growth in #GreatCrestedNewts at individual and population levels. 🐸🦎
#DICECON20 #SpsMon3 #phenology #frogfriday
Male #GCNs grow ornamental crests every year during aquatic breeding period.
As UK seasons become less distinct, #pond arrival times are less predictable.
So what is happening with #crest development?🧐
#DICECON20 #SpsMon3 #sexualselection #ecology
We photographed >100 individual #newts over 2 breeding periods and tracked changes in crest size + shape using #ImageJ software.

Does early arrival = Early growth peak?
Or ⬆ growth period i.e. potential mating advantage?
#DICECON20 #SpsMon3 #phenology #herpetology
Read 7 tweets

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