#Communism is NOT an expression of LOGIC or SCIENCE
It is the exact OPPOSITE - it functions more like a RELIGION despite its anti-religious overtones
Communists REJECT ARISTOTLE and REJECT SCIENCE in favor of a dialectic : reality is a stream of CONTRADICTIONS beyond the ability of man to understand (see Hegelian dialectic & Hegel’s influence on #Marx)
Communists deny the existence of man’s mind. They reject God but replace him with SOCIETY or the STATE.
Society is not an aggregate of INDIVIDUALS. Instead it is SUPERNATURAL, dwarfing all individuals.
Man is but an atom. Man’s duty is to revere the power of SOCIETY & sacrifice all to it.
Every man must accept the decrees of the leaders of this society.
Communism demands FAITH from its subjects. Faith in the RELIGIOUS sense of the word.
“Communism is not a new, RATIONAL philosophy; it is a tired, slavishly imitative heir of RELIGION.”
Communism is a religion
And just who are these LEADERS of communism here in the States?
The Neo-#Bolsheviks / #BLM of course... To whom we are supposed to kneel