Here's what I tell them:
If you have a public profile, there are people who will disagree with you, and that's okay.
Sometimes, a comment may only be about what you said (an argument) and not about who you are (an attack). It's important we know the difference.
When that happens, it has 100% to do with who they are & what they are going through, than to do with you. So either ignore/disengage, or block/restrict.
1. It throws them off, if they were doing it for attention
2. It helps them, if they were unkind only because they're going through something
a) the onus of empathy does not *have* to lie on you, but I do feel the empathetic should not reserve their empathy only for the ones who are already kind :)
b) Women get disproportionate amount of hate/abuse than men do, so it is completely valid if you block/disengage
Not everyone has the words we do, let's acknowledge that.
Sometimes, the people who disagree with us may really know more: let's be open to learning!
Prioritise your mental health over all else online: empathy should begin with ourselves! :)
@maanvigagroo @sayanigupta @weareyuvaa @pragyavats @stc_india @INBreakthrough @ChangeOrg_India @WCC_Cinema