tl;dr 93% developed long-term neut Ab (up to 17 weeks); RNA fragments, not infectious virus, not re-infection
The standard way we test for SARS-COV-2 infection is by nasal swab (or other tissues) & then look for viral RNA. Importantly, 99% of all testing does NOT test for live virus. That requires a specialized lab. This will be important in a couple tweets.
Viral loads & detection drop quickly after.…
HOWEVER, there was no evidence that these patients were infectious or were shedding live virus.
Obv. need to know functional protection (infection, disease, infectiousness) of this & other immune markers for COVID19 to fully interpret.
6% of patients developed neut Ab response after initial discharge suggesting it can take time to detect this response as @florian_krammer has also shown.…
-chronic RNA shedding for up to 3 mo is not uncommon (5-10%; more in younger patients) but is NOT infectious virus & is not due to re-infection
-Neutralizing antibody develop in >90% of patients & persist for at least 4mo