Out of the 324 million people living with viral hepatitis worldwide, 290 million (9 in 10 people) are living

SYMPTOMS are FOR ALL TYPES can include :
Fever, Fatigue, Loss of Appetite, Nausea & Vomiting, Joint pains, Jaundice.
1.) Hepatitis A (HAV) :
Transmitted via contaminated food, water or facal matter.
*Vaccine available
Transmitted via infected person's blood, semen & other BODY FLUIDS via
Birth to an infected mother, sexual contact with an infected person, sharing of contaminated needles, syringes & other injection drug equipment.
* Vaccine available.
Same way of transmission with Hepatitis B.
*No vaccine is available.
Most persons with acute hepatitis A recovers without liver damage.
Upto 25% & 75% of chronic infected persons with hepatitis B & C respectively develops chronic liver disease.
Hepatitis with a vOWEL comes from the bOWEL. Eg : hepatitis (A & E)
Transmitted via fecal & Oral.
A has vaccine but E doesn't.
Hepatitis BCD via Blood, Semen Saliva & other body Fluids.
B has vaccine but C&D doesn't.
Not really but can be heal up on its own.
Lemme explain 👇
An Acute infection is a newly acquired short term infection. Acute infection will self resolve WHILE Chronic infections are life long & can cause liver complications such as liver cancer
Vaccines available for Hepatitis A & B
Vaccines not available for Hepatitis C, D & E.
Q3. Which of the types of Acute Hepatitis can be Self resolved?
All hepatitis from A, B, C, D & E can be self resolved only if ACUTE.
Hepatitis B, C & D can easily gets to a chronic stage.
Q5. How can one easily know He/She has Hepatitis?
It's pretty hard to know but the MOST common symptoms are
Pains in the upper right quadrant of
Nausea & Vomiting, Loss of Appetite, fatigue, Jaundice (yellowing of the skin & eyes)
Q6. What happens if I'm tested POSITIVE for Hepatitis?
Tell all your households to also get tested. Maybe your partner or anyone living with you.
Note : Quick detection is a major key in getting treatment.
Don't stay till when the Liver is fully infected & Inflammed before going to the hospital oo.
A test will only cost you a penny.