A swipe at @KYHouseGOP and Senate maybe. He’s been grilled the last two days by legislative committees.
11,217 test given today
5.66% positivity rate
29,386 total cases
Note: There has been no real impact from the mask mandate. @GovAndyBeshear is trying to spin it as a “deescalation”, but cases have gone UP ⬆️
Y’all think masks are controversial? You ain’t seen nothing yet.
Only issue is, blue bars are 7 days, white is only 3. Manipulation.

*during press conference where selective data is presented
No mention of measures he recommends to curb heart disease (ban foods), cancer (criminalize cigs)? Etc...
First is about Louisville unemployment I. Person assistance office. Question is if 1 week is enough because the sign up filled up on a matter of a couple hours.
Beshear says it’s not enough anywhere.
Doesn’t have data.
Beshear says there appears to be no resolution. Says he will move forward to defend his order to prevent evictions. Acknowledges some people are gaming the system.
Beshear says of there is an escalation, he may not present trophy to winner. Says if we still have these number of cases in Sept, says he probably will because it means we are plateauing.
(Stupid question 🙄)
@StevenStackMD, or course, targets churches. Says masks in salons prevented but says church goers didn’t. On indoor vs outdoor, stack says flow of air is better outside. Virus less concentrated.
Beshear says it’s probable order will be extended. @Alvarado4Senate pointed out yesterday that an emergency order can’t be “renewed” as the order and Beshear says. Interesting.
@GovAndyBeshear did new list of recommendations have been sent to them. Doesn’t recall what the recommendations are.
That’s and understatement #BarefootProgressivePrick
That’s a wrap upon a video from a Assistant Coach’s for UK Women’s basketball. (Super exciting)
“Yo, Yo, BIg Blue Nation” propaganda video begins.”