Back in the 1930s Otto Warburg was awarded two Nobel Prizes for Medicine for discovering the primary cause of Cancer.
2/ To condense this discovery and to make it easier to understand, he discovered that basically, Cancer was caused by the LACK of Cellular Oxygenation! When there is a lack of cellular oxygenation the cells turn to FERMENTATION for energy. This is important.
3/ Fermentation works much better in an acidic environment. Oxygen cannot exist in acidic conditions as acidic environmentslead to an very low oxygen levels and even the total absenceof it.
4/ Whereas oxygen can easily exist in an alkaline environment. This is important to understand, the LESS OXYGEN, THE MORE FERMENTATION, leading to the growth of Cancer Cells.
5/ However, it is not just cancer that proliferates in the absence of oxygen and due to fermentation. Many Pathogens do, including bacterial infections and VIRUSES like Coronaviruses!
6/ Therefore, if there was a biochemical way of increasing cellular oxygenation by increasing PH levels and creating an alkaline environment, then there is a possibility that not just cancer and bacterial infections could be treated, BUT VIRUSES LIKE CORONAVIRUSES COULD BE TOO.
7/ This is where the likes of HCQ/QEURCETIN and ZINC enter the equation in regard to VIRUSES because Zinc is a remarkable mineral which has the ability to destroy viruses..
8/ Now Zinc is not easily absorbed by Cells in high levels required and the only way to allow the cell to absorb the Zinc is to use what are called Zinc Ionophores! Zinc Ionophores help to open up the cells to allow the level of Zinc uptake required.
9/ Both HCQ & Quercetin are Zinc Ionophores and both help raise the PH level of the cells. Simply put, the Ionophores raise the PH level of the cell and Zinc does the rest.
10/ In the images below you will see these actions explained. This is why HCQ in early stage infection can be very beneficial. BUT, because cellular PH is also raised this allows for greatly improved Cellular Oxygenation too!
11/ Hence this protocol can be used to help with some cancers too. See later images and explanations.
12/ Could this be why HCQ, which has been proven safe for around 65 years, is now being attacked so viciously? What if there is even more to this? What if you can only ONLY be granted Emergency Vaccine Approval if THERE IS NO OTHER VALID FIRM OF TREATMENT AVAILABLE?
13/ See last few images for proof that this is the case. So, does HCQ represent a DANGER TO BIG PHARMA PROFITS? After all a Vaccine for SARS-COV2 would net them $Billions in profits.
14/ Could this gross demonising of HCQ be as simple as GREED? It is up to the reader to evaluate all mentioned material and do due diligence to research further before coming to any conclusion.
If Satan is the masculine God (Selfishness), Lucifer is the feminine Goddess of the Superego (Altruism) and Abraxas is the sexless deity of the Ego (Rationalism).
There are three types of divinities:
@stevegamble10 : the Abrahamic God who equals supreme evil
Lucifer: the good type, Goddess representing empathy, sympathy, forgiveness and feminism
Abraxas: Lightest type of divinity representing the Intellect
Illuminists/Luciferians believe that there is nothing wrong with
@stevegamble10 people worshipping the Goddess Lucifer, the Eternal Feminine. While there is everything wrong with people worshipping the God of Abrahamism, the Eternal masculine lust for power and dominance as this is the essence of Satanism.
This may be some helpful info for people trying to wrap their heads around the vaccines and coincides with what I posted last week.
1) He is part of a military operation.
2) Globalists’ plan involved starting Covid once
@stevegamble10 HRC won. When she didn’t, they waited until the last year of DJT’s term to roll it out for several reasons:
A) Cover for election fraud
😎 Start the depopulation
C) Begin fear/control
D) Not give him enough time to make a vaccine so they
@stevegamble10 could present one that could be approved by the FDA and MANDATED FOR ALL.
3) DJT had to countermove... to get rid of Covid/Fear/Control, expose big pharma, and ensure a quick vaccine would have to be labeled experimental, NOT be mandated.
Notice how when Trump touts the vaccine, he ALWAYS mentions time frame.
This is very important to note…If it wasn’t for Operation Warpspeed, then we would NOT be re-opening at the rate we are. We would be in an eternal lockdown. 5/10 years or more, that was the plan for The
@stevegamble10 Great Reset. Not to mention, it would be ABSOLUTELY MANDATORY FOR EVERYONE. We got ahead of their EVIL plans for MASSIVE death, and depopulation.
Operation Warpspeed made sure that it was an FDA Emergency use authorization WHILE Trump was still President,
@stevegamble10 thus ensuring it would NOT be mandatory when he left. That’s why he says “We saved so many lives”…He HAS to continue to tow the vaccine line. Optics!
It’s actually pretty damn BRILLIANT…Think about it.
[Forwarded from Midnight Rider 17 (Midnight Rider 1
With the recent releases of information about Ukraine and its' Biolabs ran by the Deep State DNC, headed by Obama, Clinton, Bidens, sponsored by George Soros in cahoots with Pfizer and Moderna, we can conclude with a degree of certainty, the following:
1. Covid-19 was
@stevegamble10 deliberately created (Plandemic) so the DNC could use the Pandemic to bring in Mail In Ballots.
2. Mail In Ballots were then used by the Deep State Democrats to CHEAT in the 2020 Presidential Election in order to PREVENT Trump winning and putting a stop to
3. However, even with the MASSIVE levels of cheating by the DNC through Mail In Ballots, they were still far short of the number of fake ballots needed to push them over the line.
I’m going to break this one up into multiple posts with supporting docs and photos so you all can follow along. The Western of world needs to see this.
Russian military recently dropped a new finalized report on the entire US
@stevegamble10 Biological weapons scheme… They claim the the 4 masterminds atop the biological weapons network are Barack Obama, H9ilary Clinton, Joe Biden, and George Soros. As well as 12 other NATO countries knew of and assisted the US in this operation to develop
@stevegamble10 biological weapons. They also include the US pharmaceutical companies Pfizer, Moderna, and others.
It’s difficult to find legitimate western sources to share this information, as none of them are addressing this at all. Complete radio silence on Russia
2/ THERE IS BATTLE IN THE HEAVENS TAKING PLACE ON EARTH. Depicted & explained in images.
The OVERALL CONTROL OF BOTH HEAVENS was broken some time ago. Hence the resumption of this Battle.
There are two ways to explain this to avoid thinking they
3/ are two separate entities.
1: The Pyramid System. Where the top 3 layers are LOGOS while layers below are Mythos. Think of Pyramid System on Earth where those in the bottom layers have NO idea of what happens in the TOP LAYERS. Think Mystery Schools like Freemasonry, Large