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These are the people on the board that have decided on Trump's Two Year Facebook ban. ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡

Catalina Botero Marino.

Read 32 tweets
Today's Gun of the Day

Today we have the Garaysar Fear 116 Semi-Auto Tactical Shotgun. Sporting a 3" 12 gauge chamber, 20" barrel, adjustable cheek weld stock, 2 5 rnd mags & set of flip sights & more #Trump2020 #MAGA2020 #MondayMotivation #2A #KAGโ€ฆ
Today's Gun of the Day

Today we have the Smith and Wesson M&P Shield Compact Pistol. Chambered in 40 S&W with a 3.125" barrel, 3 Dot Sights, No Manual Safety and 2 mags. A great conceal carry option with excellent reliability #MAGA #Trump2020 #KAG #2Aโ€ฆ
Today's Gun of the Day

Today we have the very popular IWI Masada. An Excellent made in Israel pistol, it's chambered in 9mm, 4.1" barrel, Optics ready with 4 plates, 3 Backstraps & 2x 17 rnd mags. A superb deal! #Trump2020 #ThursdayMorning #MAGA2020 #2Aโ€ฆ
Read 120 tweets
2/ THERE IS BATTLE IN THE HEAVENS TAKING PLACE ON EARTH. Depicted & explained in images.

The OVERALL CONTROL OF BOTH HEAVENS was broken some time ago. Hence the resumption of this Battle.


There are two ways to explain this to avoid thinking they
3/ are two separate entities.

1: The Pyramid System. Where the top 3 layers are LOGOS while layers below are Mythos. Think of Pyramid System on Earth where those in the bottom layers have NO idea of what happens in the TOP LAYERS. Think Mystery Schools like Freemasonry, Large
Read 10 tweets
Judge rules lockdown BY PA GOV TOM WOLF IS WRONG AND UNCONSTITUTIONAL ! #DefundDemocrats #KAG2020
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2/ BLM as we know are self-confessed Neo-Marxists hell-bent on bringing in Communism. They openly admit this.

You just have to look at many Sports these days where the "players" all take a knee before the game, with some holding their arm up and outstretched with a clenched
3/ fist - the Communist Sign.

Now as I've explained many times, Communism comes from the Talmudic Kabbalah which in turn comes from much older Arabic Occult systems.

Communism derives from the Astral Logos Heavens, those Occult/Qabalistic/Illuminist/Luciferian Heavens. It's
Read 10 tweets
Exactly can you imagine and the DNC had been working on theirs for 8-9 months and the RNC only 4 months!?
Shows you the level of creativity those Democrats have and translate that to our Government NO THANK YOU WE WANT EXCELLENCE AND GENIUS IN OUR GOVERNMENT #MAGA2020 #KAG2020 #TrumpPence2020
Read 3 tweets
Is this something a #BananaRepublic strong man or a #Stalinist East European dictator would have done? Sadly, #GOP is now an empty box, filled with wishes & nostrums of #SupremeLeader. No citizen input required unless you have his ear & money. #KAG2020โ€ฆ
2) #Iowa now crushed by many farm disasters, some #Trump inflicted: #China grain embargo, #CornEthanol market cut by #Trump's #EPA, #Covid's hit on meat market, extreme drought & now #Derecho, which destroyed 40% of the crop. Where's the ag plank? NADA! #IaPolitics #IaSen #IaGov
3) Is this a job for @SenJoniErnst & @KimReynolds, both of whom will speak at @GOPconvention? Will they say the #Emperor has no clothes & NO commitment to #Iowa farmers after Inauguration? Or will they continue to sing his praises as #Trump walks over #Iowa? #IaPolitics #IaSen
Read 3 tweets
My God I'm just looking at the "Great Reset"

They wanted to implement it 5 years ago Jul 31, 2015
They never thought Hillary would lose


โ€˜Build Back Betterโ€™๐Ÿ’ฅ
"Shape the Future"

New Opportunity came June 3 2020 #COVID19

We are in "The Great Reset" ๐Ÿ’ฅ
There is only one person standing between US๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ and
"The Great Reset" ๐Ÿ’ฅ President Donald J Trump

Joe Biden is the "Swamp" who will carry on what Obama started - GLOBALIZATION - we will lose our Sovereigntyโ€ฆ
by leohohmann @leohohmann
"The Great Reset"๐Ÿ’ฅ

They wanted to implement it 5 years ago Jul 31, 2015
They never thought Hillary would lose

Build Back Better๐Ÿ’ฅ
Professor Klaus Schwab

WEF chairman hopes forum will help push "reset" button on world economy
Jul 31, 2015
Read 33 tweets
17th Letter Team is Genuine. A Military Intel Operation.

#QAnon #MAGA2020 #MAGA #KAG2020 @GenFlynn #WalkAway2020
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Back in the 1930s Otto Warburg was awarded two Nobel Prizes for Medicine for discovering the primary cause of Cancer.
2/ To condense this discovery and to make it easier to understand, he discovered that basically, Cancer was caused by the LACK of Cellular Oxygenation! When there is a lack of cellular oxygenation the cells turn to FERMENTATION for energy. This is important.
3/ Fermentation works much better in an acidic environment. Oxygen cannot exist in acidic conditions as acidic environmentslead to an very low oxygen levels and even the total absenceof it.
Read 18 tweets
2/ Copied:

""Via Suzanne Nolen

"An Anon once said in regard to what Trump faces: "What's the most difficult thing in your life? Multiply that times a billion. Now try to fix that problem on a public stage with thousands of brilliant psychopathic adversaries working against
3/ you.""

President Trump authorized the US Treasury to take control over the Federal Reserve. This is easily one of the biggest news stories in the last 100 years, yet many are completely unaware of it, because it was not reported in any real way on mainstream news outlets.
Read 59 tweets
2/ What most people do not realise is that there are two NWO Agendas in play here. One is the Greater Israel Project which many may be aware of, and the other agenda is the Luciferian one.
3/ The Luciferian agenda is to destroy America first, and introduce their Luciferian-Islamic Caliphate. These Luciferians through Obama, Clinton, Kerry et al, and many before, have sold off
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1/ #QAnon #MAGA2020 #MAGA #KAG2020 #QAnon2019 #greatawakening #QAnon2020 @GenFlynn ๏ฟผ

1/ How the World is controlled & has been for thousands of years.

To understand this
2/ Thread fully we will have to examine & understand 1. The Heavens 2. The Memory of Water 3. Exactly what Consciousness is & 4. What Reincarnation IS compared with what people believe it is.
2/ย  #QAnonย #MAGA2020ย #MAGAย #KAG2020ย @GenFlynnย @realDonaldTrump

Thousands of years ago
3/ our Elite Rulers were Priest Kings, Scholars, Astronomers, Mathematicians, Poets and so forth. These Elitists were fascinated by the Heavens, the Stars & movement of the Planets. Their
3/ intellectual observation of the Heavens led to the first Occult beliefs & the first
Read 37 tweets
2/ I'm not sharing this image as a form of graphic intent.

I'm sharing it because it is IMPORTANT to understand HISTORY which is being demolished and written out. Please read full information.

THIS is why THEY want your guns. The Democrats, Socialists, Marxists want this for
3/ the exact same reasons. But it's far more than this.

COMMUNISM comes from the Talmudic Kabbalah, which in turn comes from much older Arabic & Eastern Occult Systems.

Which in turn comes from the Astral Heavens, in particular, the LOGOS HEAVENS. These are the (our Ancestral
Read 10 tweets

""Remember, Viruses are NOT what we are led to believe they are.

Viruses are DNA OR RNA without a Cell Wall (unlike bacteria) but instead coated in Protein.

WHICH MEANS THEY ARE MOLECULAR. Not invisible Biophysical "things". But
3/ Biological "things".

Which is WHY they create Bacterial, Biological, Biochemical "Infections" and reactions in the body.

This is why, it appears from recent studies, that COVID-19 is being MISTREATED.

From Autopsies carried out it appears COVID-19 causes Inflammation,
Read 14 tweets

Have you noticed new "corona-deaths" are being reported as deaths WITH COVID-19.

NOT deaths OF COVID-19! This is important to understand. Why? Because if somebody has a Comorbidity or a number of Comorbidities and dies OF a heart
3/ attack, but has tested for, or even suspected of having, with no testing, COVID-19, then it is Reported as death WITH COVID-19.

Not OF COVID-19 and therefore a death as a DIRECT RESULT OF COVID-19. So in effect they DID NOT DIE OF COVID-19.

For example: You are never told
Read 8 tweets

This battle is between Reincarnated Possessing Souls from the Logos (Occult/Qabalistic/Luciferian/Pedovorian) Heavens AND GENUINE HUMANS, PATRIOTS!

As "Consciousness"
3/ attracts like for like, it is easy to see where this sick twisted, evil Cancer in Consciousness has been attracted to, and by: Large Swathes of the Liberal/Marxist/Socialist/Communist Left. But mainly in the Islamo-Communist-Democrat Party.

You have been able to witness
Read 14 tweets
1. The PLA[DEM]IC was planned 10 years ago? Not saying this is all factual, but worth noting.

#QAnon #MAGA2020 #MAGA #KAG2020 #QAnon2019 #greatawakening @GenFlynn @realDonaldTrump #Plandemic2020 ImageImageImage
2. ImageImageImage
3. ImageImageImage
Read 3 tweets
1) So @JonathanTurley is just now coming around to the lack of actual "law" knowledge of the Usurper Hussein Obama, a supposed "Constitutional scholar".
2) The academics in the Ivory Tower of Academia should have explained to everyone back in 2007 that Hussein Obama was NOT an eligible natural born Citizen, and NOT eligible for the Presidency.
3) By his own story (which is not "proven"), he was supposedly born of a Kenyan NON US Citizen father, who was NEVER a US Citizen or Legal permanent US Resident, Barack Obama Sr., and an American Kansas born mother, Anne Dunham.
Read 17 tweets
1. New #QAnon Targeting of @RealDonaldTrump served to protect from prosecution Hillary Clinton (and now Obama, Biden, McCabe, Brennan, Corney, Schiff, etc) and their enablers/co-conspirators.


"Locked on target"

2. #QAnon target [painted] #Q Image
3. #QAnon Planned and immediate.
#Q Image
Read 100 tweets

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