TRUTH: Trump aides' books confirm he won't hear bad news—and it endangers America.
TRUTH: The NYT reports that Trump's "ban" had so many loopholes that 40,000 came to the US from China *just* in the 5 weeks immediately following the order.
TRUTH: In fact, issuing such a ban was the almost unanimous advice Trump received from his White House advisers, who talked him into doing it. He has constructed a fantasy "hero" narrative around this.
FALSE: The order was issued at the very *end* of January, and for reasons that remain unexplained, was not an immediate order—so it didn't take effect until early *February*.
TRUTH: Trump emphatically *didn't* put a "ban" on all of Europe in March 2020, weeks after his China order (NB: the NYT later reported the virus came to NYC mainly from Europe—not China). He exempted any country with a Trump golf course.
TRUTH: By the time Trump's Europe order came it was too late to substantially slow the spread of the virus in the US.
TRUTH: In fact, Trump's DHHS secretary, Alex Azar, has explicitly said the opposite: that the order was intended to be incremental and was constructed that way. It was not intended—ever—to be a "severe" order.
TRUTH: Trump received urgent warnings at the White House throughout the fall of 2019 about the risk of a pandemic *just* like this one and then—in November—received intel warnings about an emerging virus in China.
TRUTH: Trump began the pandemic trying to convince America COVID-19 was indeed just like the flu—even as experts were telling him otherwise.
TRUTH: The U.S. ranks 1st of 188 in total cases. Per capita, it ranks 7th in deaths and 8th in cases—and these rankings are rising toward "1st of 188" rankings.
TRUTH: The Pentagon says it has no evidence China deliberately "sent" the virus to anyone. Even as to possible accidental outbreak in a "wet market," there is evidence the virus was elsewhere in the world before China.
TRUTH: No, it wasn't.
TRUTH: It's the opposite. The trade war has cost billions and harmed US farmers immeasurably. There's evidence from Trump aides that the trade war was a political ploy to gain reelection.
TRUTH: Trump had nothing to do with closing down the US economy. In states where it happened, it was the decision of the governor—in states where it didn't, it's because *Trump convinced them not to*.
TRUTH: There's no evidence of this. For this ("millions") to be true, IHME projections would have to have been that more than 2.5 million Americans were going to die from COVID-19 (as we're heading toward 500,000 now). They were not.
TRUTH: Trump was the *top proponent in the White House* for letting COVID-19 "wash over" America through a "herd immunity" plan that could've killed 2 million people. The NYT reports that Trump wouldn't stop insisting on this.
TRUTH: No medical experts say so. No one who "really understands" COVID-19 says so. The only public statements of this sort come from inside the administration (e.g., from Bill Barr).
TRUTH: The Trump White House knew this by November 2019—via multiple briefings. There were many more—from multiple sources—in December. And dozens throughout January.
TRUTH: It was 6,000.
TRUTH: There is no evidence of threats being made with weapons at the event, and video from the site showed Trump supporters having no difficulty getting inside.
TRUTH: The opposite is true—cases were rising there at the time and Trump was strongly warned not to hold his rally. The result of the rally (illness and death) was widely foretold.
TRUTH: Not only is this false, but the infection to data-cognizable timeline for COVID-19 is 2 to 4 weeks—suggesting any post-Tulsa-rally rises were indeed connected to the rally.
TRUTH: Trump here deliberately makes his lie *worse*, not better. His "correction" is actually a much worse prevarication.
TRUTH: Not only was the arena only one-third filled—Trump had promised a sellout—but a corresponding outside event had to be cancelled. The much-vaunted "1 million preorders" turned out to be largely kids using TikTok.
TRUTH: Video from the event confirms that everyone who wanted to get in, got in. There were *no* crowds of people waiting to get in that did not. This is pure fantasy.
TRUTH: Nope. Trump had a chance to tell the truth about why he cancelled the Portsmouth rally, but chose to lie: he said it was the weather. The weather was gorgeous.
TRUTH: Trump's entire coronavirus task force explicitly says otherwise, and is doing so publicly on a daily basis. Right now, more than *a thousand Americans a day* are dying of the virus. It is 100% *uncontrolled* now.
TRUTH: There's no evidence of this. Not only is Trump fighting COVID-19-safe balloting measures for November, he refuses to enact the DPA regularly and won't push for maximum testing rates.
TRUTH: The data on this is mixed, and moreover Trump has a consistent pattern of listing off large numbers of states that are improving when in fact *many* of them are getting measurably much worse.
TRUTH: The infection data is already *two and a half times* worse than March and April, and the death rate—even before school re-openings bump it upward—is edging toward spring levels.
TRUTH: In June and July major media reported that Trump had stopped communicating much with his task force and seemed committed to rarely discussing COVID-19. He's only just changed his tune—for political reasons.
TRUTH: It's actually 160,000—14.2% higher than Trump said. That's a *staggering* percentage for the president to be off, given that he's briefed daily on the death toll and his error represents *20,000 dead Americans*.
TRUTH: In fact Jared Kushner's pandemic response team created a situation in which governors had to *compete* with the federal government to get equipment—and generally procure it on their own.
TRUTH: Literally no one with any knowledge of epidemiology says this.
TRUTH: Trump actually has *two* government pandemic-response manuals he's supposed to be guided by—and per reporting, he's ignored basically every prescription in both of them (neither says you can test too much).
TRUTH: I find no evidence of this term being used with respect to COVID-19 tests. Trump seems to be referring to "point-of-care" testing. That he fakes knowing such a basic term underscores his lack of focus.
TRUTH: The wait is actually 10 to 15 days in many instances—very, very few Americans are seeing "three"- or "four"-day wait times for non-point-of-care tests.
TRUTH: As has been universally reported, "positivity rates" are rapidly increasing across America—confirming that cases are going up because of widespread virus transmission.
TRUTH: The United States has actually ranked *below 30th worldwide* for much of the pandemic in per capita testing. At the moment America occupies its *highest-ever* global position in this critical category: 18th.
TRUTH: Not only was the first test the administration developed broken; not only did Trump tout "instant" testing that turned out to have a 50% error rate; as noted already, the U.S. *lags* in testing.
TRUTH: This is 100% false. Even the documents Trump provided on-air don't show the U.S. ranking best in the world in any COVID-19 mortality category.
TRUTH: Trump, his team, and his supporters have been telling Americans for *months* that per capita death data is the *only* data they can or will trust (not total death count). This is a complete evacuation of that position.
TRUTH: There is no evidence of this. (Note that Trump is talking about our *close ally* South Korea here, not China.)
TRUTH: The U.S. is seeing about 1,400 daily deaths mid-week; in the spring, it was seeing about 1,700 daily deaths mid-week. *No credible account of this* would call the death toll "way down" from the spring.
TRUTH: Trump's staff helps set call agendas—and as Trump showed with Zelensky, he can bring up whatever he wants anyway.
TRUTH: No one in government has said this—except him and his immediate subordinates in the White House.
TRUTH: There is no evidence suggesting this statement is true—there is *only* evidence indicating that it is false, and will remain so permanently.
TRUTH: It's almost not worth pointing out how big and unhinged this lie is.
TRUTH: It's a *big* problem—though it's also been a problem for decades, and is in a steady-state at the moment. It's not in the same league as climate change.
TRUTH: This is a lie—he was briefed on it. He chose to ignore it, and thereafter constructed a fantasy—existing only in his own head—that it had never been brought to him at all.
TRUTH: This is a knowing lie to protect himself and Vladimir Putin—as already indicated above.
TRUTH: Most of his current and former aides say he doesn't.
TRUTH: Trump is famous for ignoring and denigrating U.S. intelligence—opting instead to get "intelligence" from blogs, far-right commenters, anonymous Twitter trolls, and the Kremlin.
TRUTH: Comparing the two conflicts is an obscenity, and dovetails with Kremlin propaganda.
TRUTH: It has.
TRUTH: It always has and it always will and it does right now.
TRUTH: It may have contributed to the breakup of the USSR but—consistent with Kremlin propaganda—Trump eliminates the oppressiveness of the Soviet regime pushing onetime Soviet republics toward independence.
TRUTH: False. There were 8,800 troops in Afghanistan when Trump came into office. After a surge of thousands of new troops the current level is 8,500—just 300 fewer troops than under Obama, who Trump castigates for his Afghanistan policy.
TRUTH: The *best-case scenario* Trump presents is that—after *4 years in office*—troop levels in Afghanistan will be around 5,000, instead of around 9,000. That's the *best-case scenario* (it hasn't happened yet).
I'm doing this to underscore to major media that *you must stop interviewing Trump* because *he cannot be effectively fact-checked*. I've spent 2+ hours already doing this—and have 13 minutes of video left.
TRUTH: That may have been briefly true—until Trump let Turkey invade Syria under the business-related "conflict of interest" Trump *admits* he has with Erdogan due to his Turkish business. *Thousands* of ISIS fighters escaped captivity.
TRUTH: Nope—it's the opposite. The US government has *always* known, for *several* administrations, it could get Soleimani whenever it wanted. It was considered counterproductive.
TRUTH. Nope.…
TRUTH: Clinton conceded publicly, clearly, directly and unambiguously—and took no action to contest the election-night tabulation of popular votes or electoral college votes. It's a Trump fantasy.
TRUTH: Trump actually *lost* the popular vote by *millions and millions* of voters—and then won the electoral college by approximately 70,000 votes, making him one of the biggest popular-vote losers ever to take the Oval Office.
TRUTH: {facepalm} No... {*sigh*}... it's not new.
TRUTH: Wildly false. Three U.S. states have universal mail-in balloting options, and combined these states have processed *over 250 million such ballots* in the last 20 years.
TRUTH: No, many states will send ballot *applications* to every registered voter—hardly "all over the place"—and a small number will send ballots to all registered voters (wholly appropriate).
TRUTH: Just...every part of this is false. They're largely ballot *applications*, and they go to *registered voters*—exactly as they should. Fraud is virtually non-existent in mail-in balloting, per U.S. voting history.
TRUTH: As CNN (Dana Bash on Anderson Cooper 360) reported just yesterday—and as dozens and dozens of journalists have reported in recent weeks—"it's a distinction without a difference."
TRUTH: Voter fraud is *virtually nonexistent* with mail-in voting, per *every single study ever done on the subject* (and there are many). This is a massive and deliberate Trump lie.
TRUTH: Both parties have always supported mail-in balloting when it helps them—it's Trump who's suddenly turned Republican rhetoric on this issue wholly upside-down.
TRUTH: Let's be clear: the term "China virus" is racist and a lie because it's racialized fear-mongering. Evidence puts SARS-CoV-2 in Europe and South America before China, and we *still* don't know where the virus originated.
TRUTH: It's been used since the Civil War—including during both world wars. (Trump says this pandemic is a "war.")
TRUTH: There's absolutely no evidence this is even remotely true.
TRUTH: He knows. Indeed, he's even appeared to acknowledge it in the past. Bizarre that he lies about it now.
TRUTH: Trump torches his enemies with claims of "fraud" and "treason" and worse—he famously wishes *anyone* ill who he has a problem with.
TRUTH: Social media users can speculate as they like. This is the President of the United States refusing to accept the autopsy results of a prisoner in federal custody.
TRUTH: As the head of the US executive branch, Trump has a duty to inform America that his branch of government has already made a *conclusive* judgment.
TRUTH: Trump has called for Pelosi and Schiff to be put to death for treason for impeaching him. He is lying.
TRUTH: *Hundreds and hundreds of hours* of video footage confirms this—and Trump knows it, because he's seen (indeed talked at great length about) such footage, and even put it in *ads*.
Does US media understand what I'm doing here? I'm showing them that *no American* could *possibly* fact-check its interviews with Trump in a reasonable way or in a reasonable time. So they're misinforming America.
TRUTH: Major media reports that *every day* the protests were almost 100% peaceful activists, and that it was only *after midnight* that some agitators would emerge.
TRUTH: I won't pretend to know exactly what Trump means here—I just know that under *any* definition of these words it would be a *gross* over-statement of the scope and impact of the Portland protests.
TRUTH: Actually Trump's own government says it has no evidence of this (as to antifa). It's found (a) organized criminals, (b) far-right extremists, and (c) anarchists.
TRUTH: In fact, hours and hours of public video shows federal agents well off federal property attacking peaceful protesters and arresting people without probable cause.
TRUTH: DHS has given no evidence its agents' homes or families are targeted by "antifa terrorists," necessitating anonymity in the streets of Portland in violation of *explicit* federal guidelines.
TRUTH: There's no evidence of such events being widespread—indeed, there's no evidence I can find of this happening at all, or DHS proving it has.
TRUTH: There may be protesters, but Trump's claim of danger, dangerous-looking people, and an imminent threat is simply false—and was *never* used as a basis for DHS' policy on federal-agent anonymity.
TRUTH: In fact, media has reported on dozens of incidents in which state/federal officers have engaged in misconduct during the protests.
TRUTH: There were no threats against Wheeler's life when he visited the protests. He was surrounded by protesters—but only faced danger when the feds *tear-gassed him*.
TRUTH: Nope—the opposite. It got *much worse* when federal agents were sent in by Trump...and dissipated almost immediately when the agents were removed. (As *anyone* could've predicted.)
TRUTH: Uh, no. It's a 10-year *maximum*—and Trump didn't create it, he just urged it to be applied. His actions had no effect at all on federal law (which he repeatedly deliberately misquotes, anyway.)
TRUTH: No—#BlackLivesMatter protests have occurred in more than 2,000 cities and towns across America, and nearly every one of them has been peaceful. There have been scattered issues in "Democratic" *and* "GOP" cities.
TRUTH: This is... obscene. This isn't how #BlackLivesMatter "started out." Jesus Christ. This is a racist misstatement of fact.
TRUTH: Both of these are lies—and, notably, not even lies his supporters believe. (They simply don't *want* the president to meet with any such protesters.)
TRUTH: Trump's polling with Black Americans is horrendous.
TRUTH: *All* the data confirms disparate treatment—and he knows this. This is a deliberate lie.
TRUTH: This is so misleading as to constitute a lie, as Trump knows (just like Barr knows) that unless one controls for percent-of-population—something Trump *insists upon* with COVID-19—his statistic is meaningless.
TRUTH: It has done nothing. Trump is using other legislation he's backed regarding the criminal justice system as a proxy for legislation focused on police brutality. It's a bait-and-switch.
TRUTH: That's a lie.
TRUTH: This is a vile and even *hallucinatory* lie.