
Time: 6 PM – 11:59 PM
Location: Virtual Meeting, Facebook Live: TheSchoolDistrictOfJerseyCity via Zoom
FWIW.🖐️I'm a parent not a preK-12 teacher or admin
Plan allows for "flexibility to shift from a fully remote model to all students attending classes in school...a gradual scale-up of school operations..." (p8)

Shared expectations for staff & admin (p 10-11)
...Parents are responsible for making sure that their child has been fever-free for 24 hours without medication before bringing them to the school bus."
📢Each school needs planning team

"The District will not mandate COVID-19 testing for students and staff as a condition for admission"...
Recess staggered. "JCPS locker rooms will be closed."
"At this time," no field trips, assemblies, gatherings of groups of students.
Athletics appear to be fluid/moving target, no coach-player contact until 9/13 (at this point)
I will note here: @JerseyTogether Education team surveyed parents re: remote learning feedback from fall. cc @Karis_M_Jones @SherryAAyres @MeghanHoward08 docs.google.com/presentation/d…
📢SEL delegated to schools, counselors, teachers.
A big issue however is that JCPS has seen counselors, CITs, and other critical SEL-support staff cut in recent years due to funding cuts. @MeghanHoward08 @MeghanFitzger14
Reading Street still being used, NJSLA standards must still be met, Supervisors must support teaches
Code of Conduct "Remote learning is an extension of the classroom" p38

BTW: CTE defined w/ 3 goals
(1) graduate students with 30 college/university credits
(2) graduate students with an Associates’ Degree and/or (3) graduate students with an industry-recognized certification
Seeing this all in writing gives sense of...