--Guaranteed Issue: Carriers must offer policies to ANYONE regardless of health/medical condition/history
--Community Rating: Policy prices can't vary based on health/medical condition/etc.
Before the ACA, none of this stuff was mandated by federal law.
Since most enrollees are subsidized, this means taxpayers are paying ~$5 billion MORE each year to cover that.
Oh, and since the mandate penalty revenue is cut off, that's also several $billion in lost federal tax revenue.
1. The GOP cut off most of the Red Leg.
2. Therefore, the Red Leg is Unconstitutional.
3. Therefore, the rest of the ACA is also Unconstitutional.
4. Therefore, we get to burn the entire stool to the ground.
That's it.
The Trump Administration, which is supposed to DEFEND the ACA, instead sided with the plaintiffs and specifically called for exactly this.

"Since 2001, the average premiums for a health plan on the individual market in New York has nearly tripled, according to the state Insurance Department. In some counties, it is impossible to buy an individual plan for less than $12,000 a year."
It solves most of the REAL issues with the ACA, while also strengthening/improving protections and other aspects.
And THAT’S the REAL reason the GOP wants the ENTIRE ACA killed: Tax cuts for the wealthy.