Justice Hrishikesh Roy to shortly hear the transfer plea. @MumbaiPolice submitted its investigation status report in a sealed envelope

Senior Advocate Shyam Divan is for @Tweet2Rhea
Senior Adv Vikas Singh for Sushant's parents
@DrAMSinghvi represents Maharashtra govt
(Senior Adv Divan now narrates the entire timeline of the case till the transfer plea was filed).
Divan: There is serious concern on behlaf of the petitioner that going by TV reports it seems as if real people are not involved. The girl was in love with the deceased and living together. She deserves full fairness
Divan: I want a fair trial by a fair investigating agency.
SG Mehta: next time don't question me on this. I just want to embarrass Dr Sibghvi as a friend
Bihar says deceased belongs to Bihar. This is stretching beyond imagination.
Register FIR under 154 CrPC
Then statememets recorded are under Secrion 160 or 161 of CrPC.
(Reads a Vivian Bose, J., verdict to explain what investigation is)
I will place a short note with judgments by tomorrow
Dr Singhvi: The eagerness of the CBI tells a own story
Senior Adv Vikas Singh: Shiv Sena is infamous for its brutality on Biharis !!
Parties to file a two page written submission (note) each by tomorrow
#SCGiveJusticetoSSR #SushantCoverup #SushantSingRajputDeathCase #RheaChakraborthy @Tweet2Rhea @DrAMSinghvi

#SCGiveJusticetoSSR #SushantCoverup #RheaChakraborthy @Tweet2Rhea @DrAMSinghvi

#SCGiveJusticetoSSR #SushantCoverup #RheaChakraborthy @Tweet2Rhea #SushantSinghRajput