The Destruction was more brutal & inhuman in #Mathura by Islamic Invaders.
In Tarek Yamini, Ghazani himself said the cost of the temple would be 10 crore Dinar (Golden Coin) & might had taken 200yrs to construct #SriKrishnaJanmabhoomi

It is said that Mohammad Ghazani took ornaments, Jewelry of 185 elephant heads excluding the Golden idol of Krishna with eyes of blue sapphire to his own kingdom.

After the destruction of #Mathura Raja Vijayachandra of Garwal Dynasty rebuild the #SriKrishnaJanmabhoomi
only to wait to be destructed again by Qutbuddin Aibak.

From 1100 AD till Moghul Invasion Islamic Slave Dynasty had an ordeal that whosoever worship Idol to be killed & each Temple shld be destructed in #Mathura Yet " the Conviction of #HinduUnity they continued to upheld Dharma in #SriKrishnaJanmabhoomi

The onslaught of #Hindus & the destruction of Temples, looting of Temple property carried out in #Mathura during Babar, Aurengzeb, Nadir Saha, Ahamad Saha Abdali only some relief during Akbar, Jahangir & Sahajahan.

Even Al Beruni & Several British Historians concluded that most of the gracious Temples had been looted and Masjids constructed on the same site in #Mathura