Getting started late on the #KYFreedom live tweet. Cutting through the Beshear Spin (BS).
Beshear announces a record high amount of cases yet, 1,163. Convenient for his school shutdown recommendation, but not for the effectiveness of his mask mandate and bar/restaurant restrictions
He's pouring the Beshear Fear Beer hard. Very frothy. Using the case numbers to argue why schools shouldn't go in-person.
It should be noted @GovAndyBeshear, these numbers are this high despite your mandates and despite there currently being no school.
Beshear now putting pressure on schools considering starting. Asking them what their testing plan is and saying some of them are in the red or yellow on his scare tactic map.
@GovAndyBeshear said earlier that sending kids to school isn't like sending your kids into a rainstorm where they may get a cold. Say's the pandemic is like sending them into a lightning storm.
@GovAndyBeshear moving on to the Kentucky Dept. of Fish and Wildlife contract of Rich Storm. He says that the dept. is filing suit.
He said his request to give commissioner storm only a 1-year contract is wise during tough budget times.
Note: Fish and Wildlife do not use general fund dollars, they raise their own revenue through fees and licenses.
Beshear says that the dept. needs oversight. Cites @KyAuditorHarmon's "scathing" audit said the change was needed.
Note: Ask yourself how long has Storm been there and when was the audit released. Then think.
Beshear is really using this Covid-19 update for propaganda and the politics he says he's down with.
He has the audacity to bring up questionable contracts. His administration recently awarded one to the group Tim Longmeyer used to lobby for before going to prison. They were not even the lowest bid. They paid a $50K fine for the Longmeyer situation & @GovAndyBeshear awards them.
@GovAndyBeshear has been blasted by sportsmen and the board recently. He's not taking kindly to it. Declaring full-blown war. He wants to see KYFWL $ to fill financial holes he's created with his economic shutdowns.
It's not your money, Governor. Back off!
Beshear says this whole thing is "silly".
NOTE: Kind of like his irrational fearmongering of COVID-19
Beshear says if we don't get funds KY will suffer.
NOTE: He needs @senatemajldr to save his ass after destroying the state. McConnell shouldn't budget.
@WKYTNick (maybe) of course starts w/ a question related to schools not "abiding" by @GovAndyBeshear's "recommendation" (Media & Beshear along w/ the unions are going to target these schools viciously)
Beshear does what he does. Puts pressure on & says he hopes they reconsider.
@GovAndyBeshear says he doesn't want schools going back to fail (spoiler: nothing would make him happier than to be able to blast these schools).
@TomL_Ky_Today@KyTodayEditor asks about people signing up for tests but getting a letter saying they are positive.
@GovAndyBeshear asks Tom to get that letter. Says more language is in the letter. Says if that issue is there he wants to stop it.
Question on how the meeting between him and @KYSecState went. Says it was "productive". Says he thinks they will come to an agreement soon. Possibly in 48 hours. Won't get into particulars.
We think a reporter earlier, before asking the question, said she was happy to see the Governor was feeling better and was glad to see him back.
@GovAndyBeshear says people questioning thousands being able to go to the Derby but not school is a false equivalency.
NOTE: He's right. School for kids and the safe haven it provides them is MUCH more essential than he and his donor and cronies being able to watch the Derby.
Wow. Somebody just called into question @GovAndyBeshear's mask mandate given the huge numbers. Beshear goes to his fake escalation scenario graph based on nothing. "Stopped exponential growth." Say's more cases don't necessarily mean masks are not working
This guy.
The state was averaging about 1.5K cases per week in the 5 weeks before his mask mandate. Well over double more in the 5 weeks after. Math governor. Math.
We think the young lady who just asked a question about the "consequences" mentioned in the webinar yesterday, is the one we tweeted to her earlier. Thanks, Miss. Much apologies for forgetting who we tweeted too.
Beshear said a whole bunch of nothing.
Beshear mentioning counties by name where schools are considering opening, saying they are in the red and yellow.
He's sending his thugs in the media and union after em.
Beshear answers if he will be retested again for COVID-19. Describes a COVID test as them sticking a swab beneath your brain, leaving it for 25 seconds and doing it in the other nostril. Say's it makes grown men cry. Say's he and everyone around him tested negative.
Beshear asked about private schools who may not be able to easily shift to online teaching. Beshear steers off into flexibility for public school.
Question about the delay in testing results.
Beshear says on a good test most people are waiting for 48 hrs (Beshear doesn't have to wait)
Say's he can't imagine that wait.
NOTE: These delays effects people's ability to get back to work.
@GovAndyBeshear being asked by @TomL_Ky_Today about "instant racing" and it going before the Supreme Court. This is about gaming.
NOTE: The Supreme Court of KY is taking up that case before the one on his arbitrary mandates.
Question on if @GovAndyBeshear he is okay with a discussion about excuse or no-excuse absentee voting. Say's a conversation is ongoing.
When asked about what he would do to close schools that open. @GovAndyBeshear, as tone-deaf as usual, says he doesn't' operate like that, signing a paper and closing things.
He's literally done that for months.
Immediately contradicts himself and says if there is a spread of cases he will step in.
Hoping @LASmithReports@TomL_Ky_Today@WKYTNick or somebody with some stones will ask the Governor if he has tickets to the Derby and how many people he' invited.
These empty robes ruled unanimously in favor of Beshear. That’s okay. It’s time to gear up & assure NONE of them remain on the bench next time they’re up for re-election. Pro Liberty orgs should make this court an election priority. We’ll be spotlighting each Justice below ⬇️⬇️
Good news❗️
Justice Wright, pictured here w/ @GovAndyBeshear’s dad, Steve Beshear, lost his re-election & will be replaced by Bob Conley, a judge who values the Constitution.
Bye 👋 Justice Wrong! Don’t let the mahogany 🚪 of the Court Chamber hit you in the ass on the way out
Unfortunately, @HDebralambert beat Judge Dan Ballou in 2018. Ballou is a constitutionalist & respects inalienable rights. We call on him to run again!
Lambert has the benefit of name ID, but now she has a clear record of spitting on our rights. She represents the 3rd district
We cover stories @courierjournal & others refuse to. Yesterday, the Health & Welfare Committee found @GovAndyBeshear’s reg deficient that would extend food stamps & other govt benefits to dead beat parents who’re not paying their child support. He’ll now decide to either...1/
...honor the legislatures wishes, or allow the policy to be implemented.
Time for some background.
@GovAndyBeshear has brought back Steve Veno, who served as commissioner of the income support office under Steve Beshear’s administration. 2/
After @MattBevin took office, he cleaned out swamp creatures from Frankfort, like Veno, who mismanaged state govt.
Bevin’s commissioner saw imbedded policy & procedure issues, but changing ingrained ideas & policy is difficult. So he requested @KyAuditorHarmon examine. 3/
Our sources allow us to do the quick independent journalism major outlets like the @courierjournal ( @MattGlo ) won’t do. Here’s another example‼️ @GovAndyBeshear’s admin investigated itself & concluded that it did nothing wrong! 😃 1/8
In fact, despite @GovAndyBeshear being the head of the Executive Branch & HIS appointees being at the helm of offices such as UI, it was determined that @MattBevin is to blame! You can’t make this garbage up. Actually, YOU CAN, & the @courierjournal will publish it! 2/8
Okay, now for what @MattGlo & the @courierjournal didn’t include. Let’s take a look at the “Inspector General of @KYTC, Maryellen Mynear,” & ask a reasonable question: “Can she “conducts a full & independent review?” The following info should peak a journalists interests. 3/8
Unsurprisingly, Buckner, legal staff for @GovAndyBeshear began with fear mongering. It’s clear their argument is that fear of #COVID__19 outweighs the fundamental rightist enshrined in the Constitution.
Judge Vanmeter asks Buckner to speak on the argument that @GovAndyBeshear’s execitive actions are arbitrary, citing childcare centers.
Unlikely to be reported by news networks here in KY.
Our sources have confirmed that Robert Conway (Dem who challenged @KYAgCommish for @kentuckyag) has been FIRED as Commissioner of KY State Parks within the @KentuckyTourism, Arts & Heritage cabinet. #TeamKentucky
This isn’t surprising. He clearly has anger issues (see Fancy Farm 2019). Sources say he was providing special perks to his family members staying at parks. He was always unqualified. Leave it to @GovAndyBeshear to make such political appointments. Sen. Thayer was spot on in Jan!
Sonka tweeting about Union Co. schools, which hasn’t even begun in-person learning, shows that even @GovAndyBeshear backing reporters are recognizing fear mongering about a return to in-person learning isn’t playing out like they thought it would.
Yellow numbers are districts that have begun in-person learning prior to @AndyBeshearKY’s arbitrary date of Sept 28 🗓 . Some restarted in August. Red numbers are from true #COVID19 hotspots & also where colleges are located (which have students on campus. Because 💵) 2/6
Blue indicates independent districts.
As you can see, a day of reckoning is not occurring in schools that have dared to defy @GovAndyBeshear, @KyDeptofEd, @LtGovColeman, & @StevenStackMD. In fact, some districts with no in person learning has more cases than those with it! 3/6