Pls bear with us.
For almost 6 years, SOS AB has been uncompromising in our dedication to universal, accessible and equitable public education.
#Abed #ableg #SaferSchoolsAB

We believe all public dollars should go to public education, that public education must be barrier free, and redefined as unable to be selective in ANY way.
If you want to know more about who we are and what we believe please read:
#Abed #ableg

Central to ALL our work is an uncompromising dedication to equity & anti oppressive work.
Every article, every interview, every collaboration, every post & every tweet, is rooted in confronting racism, classism, ableism, homo/transphobia,misogyny, xenophobia &segregation

We have led and facilitated many campaigns, including the coordinated participation in the Choice in Education Survey.
We have written countless articles like:…
#abed #ableg
& OpEds like:…
#abed #ableg
And been on countless podcasts.
Always, ALWAYS central to our messaging - EQUITY & building a public education system AROUND and FOR our most marginalized students.
We hosted and facilitated countless showings of the documentary BACKPACK FULL OF CASH to people across the province. #Abed #ableg
Most recently we partnered with @RADEducators & @abdocs4patients because of our shared values, to bring you the Coalition for a Safer School Relaunch, providing 12 strategies. #abed #ableg…
For years we have been working towards informing, and arming Albertans with the necessary knowledge for times just like the one we find ourselves in now.
And so, while we were doing ALL of that stuff👆 … we were also developing this...….
We have very limited hard copies, but signing up for our newsletter will provide you a free downloadable PDF copy. If you are already a subscriber, we will send you a link in a newsletter. #abed #ableg
Sign up here:
We have worked very hard to provide this, to share our knowledge, and help you find YOUR voice in this amazing journey of advocacy.
We hope yours will also be rooted in equity and that you will join us.
Big thank you to all our wonderful supporters & volunteers. #abed