Our tale begins way back in 2014, when then-Speaker John Boehner (remember him?) decided to sue the Obama Administration. 1/
Both types of subsidies work on a sliding scale up to a certain income cut-off point: APTC ranges from 100-400% of the federal poverty level... 4/
CSR assistance ranges from 100 - 250% FPL, which is $13K - $32K if you're single or $26K - $65K for a family of four.
So, in 2014, John Boehner & the House Republicans sued Obama. 5/

theincidentaleconomist.com/wordpress/oh-b… 8/
At the same time, she also came right out and admitted that...

However, that's not what happened. 10/

You see, the judge had already ruled for the House. 14/
Until October 2017: acasignups.net/17/10/19/sword…
Trump was very excited about having damaged the ACA and hurting millions of low-income enrollees.
Or so he thought. 17/
In other words, CSR payments REIMBURSE the insurance carriers AFTER the fact. 18/
Let's back up: Trump started threatening to cut off CSR payments around March 2017. 27./
With Trump threatening to cut off CSR month after month, some carriers saw the writing on the wall. 28/
Well, that's where #SilverLoading and #SilverSwitching comes in. 30/
#SilverLoading was first described by Linda Blumberg & Matt Buettgens of the @urbaninstitute.
@CoveredCA was the first ACA exchange to formally push it.
Other carriers/insurance commissioners/state exchanges picked up the ball & ran with it. 31/
@joshschultzdc was actually the one who first explained how #SilverLoading might work in practice to me. 32/
--ACA plans come in 4 metal tiers: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum. Bronze = lowest premium, highest deductible. Platinum = highest premium, lowest deductible.
--APTC subsidies are based on a particular SILVER plan called the "benchmark". 33/
Let's say the official premium is:
Bronze: $450/mo
Silver: $600/mo
Gold: $750/mo
Platinum: $900/mo 35/
(I'll leave out Platinum from here on) 36/
Bronze: $495
Silver: $660
Gold: $825
In this case, your APTC went up from $400/mo to $460/mo. If you buy a Bronze plan you'll now only pay $35/mo. 37/
HOWEVER, what happens if a carrier decides to "Silver Load"? 38/
Here's the new pricing:
Bronze: $450
Silver: $750
Gold: $750
Whoa! Silver now costs the same as Gold! 39/
The $400/mo APTC is now $550/mo...which means you can now get a Bronze plan FREE (no, you don't get $100 *paid*...the minimum premium is $0). 40/
This is called #SilverLoading, and it meant LOWER premiums for millions of ACA enrollees starting in 2018. 41/
That's where the #SilverSwitcharoo comes in, which is a more complicated version of #SilverLoading. I won't go into that here. 42/
Among other things, the Trump Administration was actually on the verge of BANNING #SilverLoading. 45/
I don't get "credit" for making you rich, and I'm still guilty of attempted murder. 47/
As you might imagine, they filed a bunch of lawsuits.
HOWEVER, there was yet another surprise: 50/

So, the ACA's MLR rule makes carriers pay back anything over 20% of gross margins based on a 3-yr rolling average (w/some formula tweaks). Here's my explainer if you're interested in the deets: 57/ acasignups.net/19/08/29/impor…
Awwww, mannnnn.... 64/