We thought long and hard on a call in script but realized that there are many that are impacted by the current governments reentry plan. So here's our call in campaign plan.
Thread! With number at end.
Call in. Remember to be kind and respectful. Even if frustrated or angry as you have every right to be we represent children at the core of it all. We have a zero tolerance for bullying.
State your name. Where you are from and that you are in support of the plan being presented by Hold My Hand Alberta.
There are 9 asks in our plan. So you can state whichever ones you identify with the most or feel free to list all the asks. We won't stop you.
The best part. You don't need to be a parent. You don't need to be a teacher. You can called as a concerned citizen. We are in this together.
Inclusion includes us.
The asks are as follows.....
1. Early school entry for all Alberta children who have an IPP\ISP to help ease adjustment and comfort with covid safety measures.
A similar school reentry plan similar to the one B.C has presented. They have recognized their vulnerable children in all phases of their plan. To include the children of essential workers as well as children in precarious situations or without home supports.
Each child to be properly supported by a EA if needed for cover safety measures. This will require proper supports and funding from our Alberta government in order to do so.
A seat at the table. We want the government to sit down with us. Stop pitting us against the boards. Make us Stakeholders so we can tell you what we need from the boards and you can create policy surrounding it.
Emotional supports and counselors available to all children at all schools.
Funding enrollment numbers not to be impacted next year by families who choose to keep their children home this year.
Adequate sensory equipment in classes to avoid sharing.
IPP's to be done prior to entry-these should be done with parents and teachers meeting in whatever way safest in person or remotely to be ready to be implemented.
So now her number...
Education Minister Adriana Lagrange
Constituency office
(403) 342-2263
Legislature office
(780) 427-5010
#abed #ableg #HoldMyHandAb #abpoli #VeryWorriedAb @ABCanForward @SafeSeptember