✅have mild/moderate disease, or
✅have no symptoms
can be cared for at home w/ the supervision of a health worker, if adequately separated from others.
Learn how to care for an ill person & prevent the spread of COVID-19 in🏘️! bit.ly/3kLyXqX

✅After coughing/sneezing
✅Before, during & after food preparation
✅Before eating
✅After using toilet
✅Before & after caring for the ill person
✅When hands are dirty

More details 👉bit.ly/3kLyXqX #COVID19

More details 👉 bit.ly/3kLyXqX #COVID19

🟢avoid sharing items (incl. dishes, cups, eating utensils, towels & bed linens)
🟢wash the items with soap & water.
🟢pack the waste from the ill person in strong closed bags before disposal.

🟢wear a medical mask while in the room w/ an ill person,
🟢not touch their mask/face during use,
🟢discard the mask after leaving the room,
🟢clean their👐afterward
More details 👉 bit.ly/3kLyXqX
More details 👉 bit.ly/3kLyXqX

🏘️Stay at home
🚫Do not attend work, school or public places.
💤Rest, drink plenty of fluids and eat nutritious food
More details 👉 bit.ly/3kLyXqX

🙅♀️not allow visitors in the home
🙅♀️limit the number of caregivers to one person with no underlying conditions, if possible
👉 bit.ly/3kLyXqX #COVID19