A: There are clear provisions in the Explanations of Some Questions by the Standing Committee of NPC Concerning Implementation of Nationality Law of P.R.China in HKSAR.
A: The unilateral suspension is a blatant interference in China’s internal affairs and severe violation of international law and the basic norms governing international relations.
A: The China-UK “Golden Era” was proposed by the UK side during President Xi Jinping’s state visit to the UK in 2015.
A: We feel deeply disappointed at the current difficulties and setbacks in China-UK relationship. The UK side should take full responsibility for the state this relationship has got into.
A: China remains committed to open&mutually-beneficial cooperation. We oppose politicizing economic issues&will continue to foster a fair, just, open&non-discriminatory business environment for foreign businesses.
A:China-US relationship is at a critical juncture. China remains committed to working with US to develop a relationship featuring no conflict or confrontation,mutual respect&win-win cooperation.
A: I don’t think a US-UK FTA will have any impact on China-UK business relations.
A: This reflects ignorance of history. The core of the Joint Declaration is resumption of China’s exercise of sovereignty over HK.
A: It would be completely wrong if UK permits its establishment, and this will create a new and serious obstacle for China-UK relationship.
A: The world has entered the 21st century, but some politicians from Western countries, including the UK, have left their head in the Cold War years, or even the colonial era.