#Muharrum #Karbala #twittermajlis
flatly refused
Yezid floured the tenets of Islam as taught by the Prophet and #Hussain said,
"Someone like me, does not pledge allegiance to someone like him”.
He left for Mecca to avoid bloodshed
#Muharrum #karbala #twittermajlis
#Muharrum #Karbala #twittermajlis
#Muharrum #Karbala #twittermajlis
He wanted to avoid bloodshed in the holy city of Mecca
#Muharrum #Karbala
Hussain relayed the news to his companions & family.
They decided to continue their journey to Kufa
#Muharrum #Karbala
#Muharrum #Karbala #twittermajlis
Hurr's army and animals had marched a long way in the desert. Hussain ordered water to be given to all from their supply.
#Muharrum #Karbala
Hussain turned the caravan away from Kufa. Hurr and his army marched parallel to the Imam. The two sides reached a village called Nainawa where the Imam pitched tents
#Muharrum #Karbala
Hurr whose army had been following #Hussain 's caravan received orders to stop the caravan near a arid land.
Hussain, wanted no confrontation so he, family and companions pitched their tents 3 miles from river #Euphrates
#Karbala #twittermajlis

" I did not march out exultingly, nor recklessly, nor seeking to make corruption in the land, nor to oppress anyone. Rather, I marched out seeking to reform my grandfather's nation..."
grandfather and of my father Ali ibn Abu Talib"
The name Karbala was later used for Ninewah
Karb(anguish)o Bala(calamity)
Land of anguish & calamity.
He bought the land where his grave now stands from the Banu Asad tribe for 60,000 dirhams.
Ibn Ziyad the Umayyad governor of Kufa telling him that al-Husain was camping at Karbala
Having read this letter, Husain
threw it away saying, “They shall never succeed those who buy the pleasure of the creatures with the price of the Creator's Wrath.”
Hussain didn't go to Kufa incase it's alleged that he was challenging them.
He stopped in <Karbala
By sending his army ag #Hussain Ibn Ziyad showed who was the aggressor
#Muharrum #twittermajlis
He sent letters to the people who had invited him.
“Those who do not stand up to a tyrant and transgressor of the faith will suffer in this life and the life to come."
#Karbala #Muharrum #twittermajlis
“The course which affairs have taken is manifest to you. The world has changed its colours; virtue has almost vanished. This is the age of Wrong and the followers of Right have passed away."
#twittermajlis #Karbala
The lesson of Karbala is:
Good over evil
Right over might
#4thMuharrum #Karbala
“Imam Hussain is the leader of humanity.”
“Imam Hussain will warm the coldest heart.”
“No battle in the modern and past history of mankind has earned more sympathy and admiration as well as provided more lessons than the martyrdomof Husayn in the battle of Karbala.”
Their father Abdullah bin Jafar brought them at Mecca & asked Hussain to let them be his representatives in this fight of good over evil.
#twittermajlis #muharram #Karbala
"I have brought to you our two sons to go with you. In the time of difficulty on our Maula Hussain, give one son as sadqa from your side and the other one as sadqa from my side".
#Hussain reluctantly gave permission to go to war and certain death against Yezid's army to these young boys
"All we want from you is a promise that you will never weep for us. Or souls will never rest in peace if you grieve for us after we are gone".
Tears of joy and pride flowed down Zainab's eyes as she embraced her two boys.
Finally their pleadings were effective
"Go," said #Hussain , "Go & show the world how those as young as you can fight the injustice and oppression of Yazid!"
#twittermajlis #Karbala
They fought bravely. At one point Umar ibn-e-Sa'ad asked:
"Who are these two youngsters? They fight like I have seen Ali ibn Abi Talib fight."
#karbala #twittermajlis
#5thMuharram #karbala #twittermajlis
75 year old Habib ibn Muzahhar arrived in Karbala.
He practiced virtues and observed the divine rules carefully. He had the Holy Qur'an in memory completely, and spent every night in worship and supplication to Allah.
#Hussain was on the side of truth.
Hussain was Haq ( truth)
Yezid was bail ( falsehood)
Hussain was sabr ( patience)
Yezid was jabr ( oppression
This angered Ibn Ziyad who called for Shimr bin Thil Joushan to whom he gave a letter to be delivered to Umar ibn Sa’d
Qasim instantly retorted "Uncle I find it sweeter than honey!"
#Karbala #7thMuharrum
Mehndi being readied in Delhi 's Panja Sharif imambara
( photo from last year)

Qasim went &fought and was ultimately surrounded by the foes. He called out to his uncle for help. When Husain reached the martyr he found the corpse trampled by horses and in pieces, which he collected with great difficulty!
Abbas greatly loved #Hussain & considered himself his slave
His brothers Utsman, Ja’far and Abdullah had already attained martyrdom in #Karbala #twittermajlis
“What sin have these children committed that you seek to kill them? How do you justify denying water to children and women?"
#twittermajlis #karbala
#twittermajlis #karbala #HazratAbbas
While Abbas was busy avoiding the arrows, one of the soldiers came from behind and severed his right arm.
#twittermajlis #karbala
He was buried there on the bank of the river
#twittermajlis #karbala
He wasn't allowed to wage war against Yezid's army
& he couldn't take water for the children

Run ek taraf charkhe kohan kaanp raha hai
Rustum ka badan zere kafankaanp raha hai
Har qasre salateene zaman kaanp raha hai
Shamsheer bakaf dekh ke Haider k pisar ko
Jibreel larazte hain samete huwe par ko"
Mirza Dabeer
Dedicated to 6 month old #AliAsghar, Imam Hussain 's son who was the youngest martyr of #Karbala
The women started wailing fearing that the infant was about to die from thirst & hunger
His mother Rabab had no milk by now to feed him as she was starving for 4days
#twittermajlis 9th #muharram
"This baby has not had water for the past three days and you can see that the extreme thirst will kill him shortly. Is there anyone who would provide water to the infant?"
Hearts of the soldiers melted as most had children
#AliAsghar 's smile & parched lips were more eloquent than any sermon.
Ibn Saad panicked & ordered Hurmula to intervene
Asghar tumhary khoo' ka thikana kahin nahin
#AliAsghar #9thMuharram #karbala #twittermajlis

Rahat Fateh Ali Khan
This year I'm unable to go home for azadari so contention myself with #twittermajlis

He advised them to leave him “for the enemy was after his blood, not theirs!”
And when they remained seated, he asked the lantern to be extinguished so that they may leave without any embarrassment.
Imam turned to 13 yo Qasim, so of brother Hasan. “Qasim what do you think of Death?” “It is sweeter than honey” replied the young Qasim.
Half the night he paced his tent in contemplation: what shall he do tomorrow- follow the orders to massacre Husain or....
When he reached the Imam, and expressed his repentance, Husain accepted him with open arms.
The reports from the enemy camp tell us that the whole night, they could hear nothing from the camps of Husain but sounds of prayers!
#twittermajlis #shabeashoor
Habib ibn Mazahir, a childhood friend of Husain too reached Karbalā and was received personally by Zainab!
#shabeashoor #twittermajlis
Ali Akbar, the Prophet 's lookalike gave azan
as Husain led morning prayers and the army of Yazid attacked many lost their lives
Sabr & tawakkul
A force of 30,000 was camped around the tents of Imam Hussain, with family& a few friends
Above all
Faith in Allah
Determination to preserve Islam as taught by his grandfather
Voice Zia Mohyeddin
From this small hillock Janabe Zainab A.S. could see Imam Hussein A.S. when he fell from the horse during the battle and was martyred.
Tera Maajaaya marne ko sidhaara Zainab ai Zainab
Ghabrayegi Zainab- recited by Nasir Jahan
Written by Chunnu Lal Dilgir
Difficult to not tear up when hearing this