I’m stunned by the hubris and ignorance of this opinion piece.
Is there a more poignant example of Eastern Canadian tunnel vision and belief in Canadian exceptionalism?
Is Donolo that blind or a willing disinformation propagandist? It’s no secret both Chrétien and Martin were blue liberals. Trudeau has taken a sharp turn to the left since becoming Liberal leader.
He completely ignored the growing threat emanating from the radical extreme zealotry of Dominionist Christian rebranded Social Credit embodied in the Reform Party and subsequent Canadian Reform Alliance Party.
Who do you think invested in Alberta and Ontario oil in late 19th century Canada?
Standard Oil.
The epitome of laissez faire economics, classism, monopolies & evangelicalism.
Which a blue Liberal could support, for the right price.
We all need to learn from Alberta’s history & Ontario’s and wise up to these silver tongued propagandists asking us to forget what our forbearers endured.

We contain 20% of the world’s fresh water, we have the largest fertile & arable land base globally.
A highly educated and prosperous population.
And natural resources like lumber, diamonds, minerals, fossil fuels and green energy sources (water, sun, wind) coming out the ying yang.
We must start acting like good stewards and stop listening to silver tongues flagellating our egos.
#ChooseForward #IStandWithTrudeau