“If you built it - the modern, safe and well connected network of cycling infrastructure - people will come. We see it in the metropolitan Paris again. It’s just about having the right priorities - make cities for people.” @C_Najdovski on @EITUrbanMob#mobilitytalks4
“If we want to make the transition to urban cycling sustainable, it’s worth to think about it as a product:
Design & Build
Sell & Brand”
“Let’s finally switch from distance to time when planning modern cycling infrastructure. People use different kind of bicycles. People on bikes behave differently than 🚙 and it has to be reflected in infrastructure.”
Joost de Kruijf of @bredauas on @EITUrbanMob#mobilitytalks
“We see e-bikes or cargobikes as underlining technology that invite more and new people to start cycling instead of taking a car in cities around the world.” @MayneKevin@Cycling_Ind_EU on #mobilitytalks by @EITUrbanMob
“The switch to cycling has been growing across Europe for years, be it for the cities congested by cars, the obesity epidemic, climate change or governments realize the public health crisis. Covid19 only accelerated it in many places.” @copenhenken on #mobilitytalks@EITUrbanMob
“If we look how many trips shorter than 5 km are still being done by cars, there’s so much potential for urban cycling. With the right set of priorities, with the longterm and sustainable planning, each city can become a cycling city.” @Cluys on #mobilitytalks by @EITUrbanMob
“Investment in cycling infrastructure is so much cheaper than anything for cars that the current financial crisis is actually a great opportunity for frugal governments.” @copenhenken in #mobilitytalks by @EITUrbanMob
“Carrots and sticks is the way forward. We still have not fully realized full scope of negative externalities caused by car traffic. Having a bold cycling plan can actually make you elected - see Rome, see Paris and others.” @Cluys@POLISnetwork on #mobilitytalks by @EITUrbanMob
“Organize your support, build your coalition. Once your city gets remade for urban cycling, everyone, everyone will see and feel how much better the city gets.” @copenhenken on #mobilitytalks by @EITUrbanMob
“Cars run on oil and money and make people fat. Bicycles run on fat and make people happy and fit. Choose wisely when planning your next infrastructure investment, your next city budget.” Edwin Hesakkers of @EITUrbanMob on #mobilitytalks
Přesně před rokem dostali první z vás do mailboxu první číslo nového newsletteru o městech, kde se dobře chodí pěšky, často jezdí na kole a vůbec dobře žije, ať je člověku 8, nebo 80 let.
Rozhovory jako ten s architektem Okamurou vám dávají argumenty pro změnu i u vás: "V Kodani se například výrazně podařilo utlumit automobilový provoz a dostat víc lidí do ulic. Spočítali si totiž, že tím víc město prosperuje."
Věděli jste, že řada institucí ve světě už během první vlny pandemie výslově začala doporučovat všem, kteří se po městě musejí pohybovat, aby použili kolo?
Ať už dánské ministerstvo dopravy, německá ministerstva zdravotnictví i práce a sociálních věcí, nebo TV stanice ORF ve Vídni, všichni apelují na lidi, aby použili kolo, protože:
- se vyhnou rizikovým místům s vyšší koncentrací lidí
- snadněji si udrží odstup od ostatních
- zároveň se dál dokáží po městě pohybovat i na delší vzdálenosti, které by pěšky nezvládli, nebo by je cesta zdržovala
- v MHD - ať už je to metro, tramvaj, autobus, nebo třeba trolejbus - uvolní místo těm, kteří ji skutečně potřebují a po svých nemohou
"If you believe we will live in fear, invest in cars.
If you believe we will live in peace, invest in micromobility.
Car is a response to fear, it's as simple as this." @asymco#MicromobilityMoment
“We know no one car be long term profitable is there are 10 operators running simultaneously in the city.” Jasmin Rimmele from @voitechnology scooter sharing right now on @EITUrbanMob Bootcamp. #urbanmobility#micromobility
“We all knew consolidation will come to micromobility. The #covid19 and lockdowns around the world will likely speed it up.” @voitechnology’s Jasmin Rimmele on @EITUrbanMob Bootcamp. #urbanmobility
“Our fresh cooperation with @BlaBlaCar and @BlaBlaBus_FR is all about providing a complete option for longer trips. Bundling scooters and buses, long and short sections of their trips.” @JasminRimmele on joining forces of @voitechnology scooters with other mobility players.