#uxaustralia #uxaustralia2020
"Isn't your job just chatting to people?"
There is a misconception when people first learn about research is that they think it is easy, and anyone can do it. This devalues the craft.
You need to bring people along every step of the process.
While there are many frameworks we can use to accelerate our design work but we need to do the work to capture the context of your current design.
Without the right amount of time and thinking behind it, initiating people to going out and speaking with people doesn't always mean you're going to get better insights.
"Can I have a quote from your research or the sales poster for a conference"
Our participants sign a consent form, not a release form, meaning we can't use them for marketing material.
It's important we uphold our ethical frameworks.
People ought to be compensated so we can show them that we value their time.
Monetary incentives make respondents more likely to participate in research.
"No, you can't meet with the executive they're too busy, just go through me"
It's important for researchers to know what will make a project successful for a senior stakeholder.
Researchers are given only a few hours to come up with insights. Direction changing deep insights need deep thinking time.
Having a culture of 'box ticking' research creates products going live that isn't usable OR useful.
"You don't need to be in the strategy meeting, just the product manager goes to that"
There's an expectation that the research will just go research what they're told in a transactional relationship.
It's unlikely that your product is going to look and work as intended if without having the context of research during the development process.
Support your researchers to do what they do best
2. Value the research process
Look to your researchers for guidance
Otherwise you are at risk of solving the wrong problem
4. Include researchers in decision making
They will uphold the voice of the user