[1] Iedere schooldag vinden er in NL gemiddeld 17 verkeersongevallen plaats rondom scholen waar politie aan te pas komt.
We kunnen dat verkeersgeweld aanpakken. Maar @VeiligVerkeer hangt liever elk jaar wat spandoekjes op: "De scholen zijn weer begonnen" nrc.nl/nieuws/2020/08…
[2] We zijn gewend geraakt om systematisch verkeersgeweld te zien als onvermijdelijk gevolg van onze mobiliteit.
Dan is het logisch om mensen te leren er mee om te gaan, i.p.v. het op te lossen. Maar wat als we dat geweld op straat niet voor lief nemen? decorrespondent.nl/11507/loopt-he…
[3] Sinds de opkomst van de auto is daar strijd over geleverd: is het nieuwe geweld moreel onacceptabel of een nare statistische bijkomstigheid.
Het morele standpunt werd echter 𝘬𝘢𝘭𝘵𝘨𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘵. En zo werd het debat gedepolitiseerd.
[5] Wil jij ook als burger meedenken en beslissen over hoe JOUW straat wordt ingericht? Sluit je dan aan bij de meer dan 3.500 Nederlanders die om uiteenlopende redenen hun openbare ruimte terug eisen.
'Een boek dat mijn perspectief op mobiliteit heeft aangepast. Wat houdt vrijheid in & hoe pas je die toe in jouw leven. Als deelnemer aan het verkeer of als bewoner of verblijver in een sociale woonomgeving.' corr.es/snelste
[7] Met prachtige illustraties van Cyprian Koscielniak in @nrc: hoe de straat was, is en hoe die weer kan worden.
On June 4th female college students cycled 50km from #Zhengzhou to #Kaifeng to try the city’s breakfast specialty, soup dumplings. Their 4-hour journey gained attention on social media, celebrated as an expression of "youth, passion, vitality". [🧵]
Soon, thousands of Zhengzhou college students joined this night cycling adventure. Every Friday night, numerous shared bikes vanish from Zhengzhou, posing challenges for bike coordinators and commuters. Despite this, the activity has received widespread support.
Recently, the local government established several supply stations along the route and deployed police for safety. Kaifeng's tourist attractions have begun offering more good food and free entry to college students, boosting weekend tourism and gaining national attention.
After years of #carsharing, I am considering buying an #OwnCar. But before I decide, I have a few questions to confirm that this is the right solution for me.
Please help me out in this thread 🧵:
1.🎫 I heard that I have to pay extra for an #OwnInsurance for my #OwnCar. And pay to have an annual inspection done. That would make it very expensive.
Is there an easy way to get around that?
2.️👨🔧 What if my #OwnCar breaks down or makes a weird sound? I'm a smart guy, but I'm not very handy.
Is there a place where people can fix it for me?
And do I have to take it there for repair every time myself?
Something TERRIBLE happened to the streets in #LegoCity and we need to talk about it!
🧐 Why did @LEGO_Group decide to WIDEN the streets?
🚙 What does it teach us about real #autobesity?
🛣️ And how can we change it?
A thread🧵:
2. 'With Lego you can make anything' is a marketing slogan often heard. If you want to create a city however, you have to work with the standard road plate sets.
Between my cities and those of my kids, the sidewalks lost three studs and each street became SIX studs wider! WOW!
3. The change in street width did not happen in isolation. In the same period, #Lego Cars also widened from FOUR to SIX studs.
Interestingly, most of them still only have room for only one #Lego Figure.
After years of #carsharing, I am considering buying an #OwnCar. But before I decide, I have a few questions to confirm that this is the right solution for me. Please help me out in this thread 🧵:
1.🎫 I heard that I have to pay extra for an #insurance for my #OwnCar. And pay to have an annual inspection done. That would make it very expensive. Is there a way that I can easily get around that?
2.️👨🔧 What if my #OwnCar breaks down? I'm a smart person, but I'm not very handy. Is there a place where people can fix it for me? And do I have to take it there for repair every time?
Today #Amsterdam starts a transition experiment of 6 weeks that reclaims a car dominated street as public space.
There are already some important lessons about the importance of language. 1/🧵
The Weesperstraat has been seen as important link for car traffic to get in and out central Amsterdam for four decades.
Businesses fear for their accessibility & refer to the street as 'an artery'. Invoking the classic metaphor of cities as bodies, car traffic as blood . 2/🧵
This blinds us to why and how cities have always functioned as places for human interaction.
Instead of continuous pumping, a good city street constantly entices you to slow down, stop and linger to enjoy the public life around you.