Small Eyes!
#1: No matter what the obstacles in life, they should never cloud our vision, the aims should never dwindle, those hopes that harness our dreams should never die.
@BharatTemples_ @rightwingchora

#2: Keep ears open to the realities of life and listen to your inner voice. Listening makes us humble in a way that we develop the ability to accept cases put forward by others.

#3 Ganesha says --> The sky of spirituality has no limits,
flap your wings of wisdom and see yourself rise in a blissful flight!

#4 Silence is golden. Silence is a form of meditation where our frequencies of mind, body and heart automatically tune with the frequency of our soul.

#6 Detach – Karm kiyeja phal ki chinta mat kar. The key here is to find a balance and cut ourselves from the result while living in the moment and doing our karma.

#7 Resources are never less or low – All power lies in you!

#8 Uncover your sweet side and take delight in the natural sweetness of the world.

#9 Trust Me, all your obstacles will be removed. All obstacles, whatever they may be, shall be rooted out by worshiping Him.

#10: Ganesha says – Accept all with a smile. Everything happens for a reason and the questions life poses at us sometimes have their answers in the very experiences we are going through. Savor them.

@IndiaTales7 @hathyogi31 @LostTemple7 @ReclaimTemples @incredibleindia @BjpSarojini @VijayGoelBJP @sambhashan_in @GampaSD @DetheEsha