What is #longcovid?
How to diagnose it ?
What can we do ?
A new disease that people seems not to recover from and we need to Accept uncertainty and be honest with patients

we need to handle this uncertainty of longcovid by sharing honestly with the patient that lots of things are still unknown
- 10% of people who had covid have symptoms for more than a month
- 60 000 people with symptoms lasting over 3 months in UK
We need guidelines and need to be realistic with time of convalescence.
We look well and people don’t understand we are still ill for that long
Long covid is twice as commun in female than male
80% of those reporting having long covid have good and bad days
Some people are recovering after 3 months
Some patients are getting slightly better, but some need referrals. Gp can deal with longcovid with their skills by reporting symptoms, LISTENING to patients, checking severe conditions
- Loss of smell/taste is really specific to covid
@Dr2NisreenAlwan it’s a discrimination to reduce longcovid to positive test, we need a clinical definition based on symptoms
Patients are experts in their condition
Collaboration is needed
We need more communication to doctors and general public to get #LongCovid recognised.
As asked at WHO we need recognition, research rehab and communication and multidisciplinary collab