
Though These Scientists Were Responsible For Such Milestones As Apollo11's Moon Landing,Was America Justified In It's Decision To Pardon War Criminals In Exchange For A Political Advantage?
In 1945, As The Allies Began To Reclaim Territory Across Europe, They Also
Von Braun Was Transferred To NASA In 1960 Where He Helped The Agency To Launch Its First Satellites Into Orbit On July 20, 1969, As Part Of America's Effort To Win The Space Race.
A Smithsonian National Air And Space Museum Segment On Von Braun And Operation PAPERCLIP.
Kurt Debus—A Former SSMember For NaziGermany—Ran The Launch Site Now Known As Kennedy Space Center.

"The U.S. Government, NASA In Particular, Was So Complicit In Keeping The Past Hidden."
