Shelley Laskin 🇨🇦 Profile picture
Sep 16, 2020 43 tweets 12 min read Read on X
Join us for Committee of the Whole beginning at 4:30 - among agenda items an update on school reopening as well as a discussion of the Director Search criteria…
Meeting begins with a timed item on the Toronto Lands Corporation - extension of terms for Citizen Directors to allow continuity of its processes
The next TLC item is really interesting about negotiating for a new elementary school on the former Christie Cookie Factory site…
Plan is for 30 tower redevelopment! We would be looking to build a 500 JK-8 school that would feed to Lakeshore Collegiate. It is important for us to express interest in the site now although the school may not be built for 20-30 yrs.
Trustee @Steph4schools gives @OPSBA report. Information on the AGM can be found here…
Agenda was reordered... we are now hearing from delegates - student speaks to us about school reopening communications... and that we should be communicating directly to students #studentvoice
The next group of delegates are speaking to us on the Director of Education Search Criteria - @tdsb is considering the following report this evening…
Common theme above all else... confirmIng priority #1. Director must continue with true #equity #antiracism work... there is more to do to ensure all students succeed; requires differentiating funding to address inequities/rebuilding of trust based on demonstrated actions
Recess now... back at 7:10 to hear the latest information on reopening plans
Director @TDSBDirector begins return to school report by thanking all staff at all levels in schools for welcoming students - acknowledges frustration, anxieties - and we are almost there! Putting final touches on virtual school - enrolment now at 77,000 students
Update on #virtualschool - @manonjgardner 11,000 more students that our previous report (1000 opted out) - now 31% of school population - 26% secondary; 33% elementary; all staff are dedicated to making this a great experience for all students
Elementary SO - on track for registering 56K students in Trillium - JK-4 clustered in classes in the same grade from the same home school as possible; in some cases only 1 student - grades 5-8 registered by grade with balance of male/female - not as consistent from home school
e-mails sent to all Virtual parents this afternoon and on-boarding invitations to sign up to Brightspace - assigning teachers shortly - all teachers welcomed this evening - preparing lessons to help teachers build the on-line environment - students will be mailed access Monday
SO @RonFelsen Secondary - update - 6 principals, 8 VPs, working around the clock to set students up for success - looking at individual students, courses, sections - first teachers placed last week; working on filling vacancies this week - Sunday evening began loading Trillium
Guidance counsellors from home schools supporting both in-school and virtual students - helping with courses and mental health and wellness - doing on-boarding for all - 1800 students still to register - working as quickly as possible
Providing ESL, ISP, French Immersion, Extended French, AP Courses, IB Courses - but some specialized programming cannot be offered virtually - website will be updated including contact information for families - confident we will get there for Tuesday
Question - please add schools by Learning Centres - finalizing opening and will work through protocol; on boarding for parents asking re Brightspace... information provided in letter out to parents; as we communicate can we highlight what’s new!
I asked about all the concerns re Brightspace I have seen on Twitter and asked staff to add to the information online
Details re @tdsb Virtual School are posted…
Adult Day School - update - 45% online... we are offering an option for online or in-person. @pctdsb working on “hub” approach to offer more courses
Question re why didn’t we look at the hub approach for ADS earlier? @manonjgardner spoke that the approach needed more flexibility - waited for response first, then offering more re hubs
Information re Brightspace can be found here… Asked staff to update to answer questions and concerns from Twitter
One of the reasons staff respond that went to in-house approach for ADS was to ensure teachers who knew students best could work with the same teachers - working with Union partners on this for greater stability - quad dates will stay status quo - 45 days instruction in each quad
Each ADS student can take up to 3 courses, not 2 - staff are monitoring to ensure cycles can be completed - making every effort to offer full range of courses - dependent on course selection and teacher offerings - working through that now
Speaking now to the app - @manonjgardner speaks to uptake increasing - will continue to monitor use as per request re @TOPublicHealth
AD Witherow speaks to PPM164 and requirements for synchronous learning - re parent exemption - incorporating minimum standards of minutes in @tdsb Virtual School - parent will be asked for number of minutes they are comfortable with - and may ask for a full exemption...
Exemption would apply to elementary and secondary virtual but not in-school - parents have dates to apply - first date is September 30 - form goes to P/SO - students would not be exempted from attendance or assessments; if they want to opt out completely - advise home schooling
Re the @tdsb Connects app and timetables - and the day cycle - asking schools to manually put the right day of the cycle into their app! Day 1 is the 17th!
EO Gold speaks to class size relative to "target" caps - manage staffing the schools and real-time enrolment updates - while the teaching office was approving models they were looking at class sizes - about 40 models were approved with additional staff - will continue to monitor
Paying special attention to French programs - where they have become very small, as we give out additional staffing we have to keep in mind the qualifications of staff who can speak French - as part of reorganization at the end of the month, there can be some rebalancing
Now AD @kgfalcon speaks to School Councils - spoke to EDU - regard Virtual School as temporary option - separate school does not mean separate school council -conversations with @TorontoPIAC on September 22
EO Shaw speaks to ventilation - filtration is removing impurities from the air eg HEPA filters - they do not increase air flow or cubic feet of air or increase the number of fresh air changes - only way to increase ventilation is opening windows or mechanical ventilation
From @TOPublicHealth suggests Covid respiratory droplets travel 2 m - typically as the droplets hit the ground they burst - and are destroyed with disinfectants - staff do not believe HEPA filters will improve ventilation rates; that said, we continue to work with @TOPublicHealth
Re School Nurses @TOPublicHealth are looking at our schools and working with Principals to ensure all strategies are in place - they are doing it on a priority basis and as part of this they are working with staff to let them know how to access services and deal with outbreaks
There is also a @TOPublicHealth School Outbreak Management Team who will support public health nurses and Principals - re physical distancing outside - supporting schools with painting circles outside - will complete this week; issue re hand dryers; checked with TPH - they are OK
Communication speaks to commitment for updating the Covid cases on our website…
Time for more questions - regarding use of city park space - AD Witherow responds that guidelines have been provided through our Outdoor Learning Centre - local schools may have made arrangements - we are encouraging outdoor education and environmental education
Re water filling stations - anticipate having one unit within every building shortly - once that's done we will add additional units based on student population
Require standard language on HEPA filters and tents - so we can all be clear and provide clear communication - another question - secondary schools are on Day 1 across the system tomorrow!
Clarification re those who opt out of synchronous - AD Witherow confirms there will not be generic paper packages provided - even if exempt students will go into Brightspace to receive their work - if synchronous down/asynchronous goes up
Questions re additional caretaking - EO Shaw confirms in the process of filling vacancies - plan is to add more resources to priority areas to the day shift; question re reorganization - first two weeks of October
Through questions confirmed that it is a local school decision re outdoor lunch or whether students can go to local restaurants for lunch, etc. It is also a local decision how to stagger lunch and recess -
Request to publish school air quality - with regard to volume of work required @tdsb schools for mechanical ventilation - will take until the Spring/Summer of 2021 - funding came late but work is on-going - in design stage e.g., cooling centre initiative took 4 years to complete

• • •

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Dec 8, 2022
Tune in starting at 9… Report we’re continuing discussion on is here…
Trustees are asking staff questions of @tdsb staff on the report… others are live tweeting details so I will just provide comments should any motions be made… but a reminder of the actions in Report 1
NEW - “Addressing School Safety” page on @tdsb website added and will continue to be updated… Staff also spoke to developing an app for students that will connect to tip line or help line…
Read 8 tweets
Dec 8, 2022
@tdsb Dr Dubey fro @TOPublicHealth is providing information to @tdsb this evening.
@tdsb @TOPublicHealth Triple threat of respiratory viruses
@tdsb @TOPublicHealth Encourages everyone to get the flu vaccine… you can get your #COVID vaccine at the same time!
Read 18 tweets
Jan 18, 2022
@tdsb Hearing from delegates first and then from @TOPublicHealth.
@tdsb @TOPublicHealth Just on a brief recess at @TOPublicHealth joins the Zoom Call
@tdsb @TOPublicHealth As we wait for @TOPublicHealth moving to the Motion -Increased Resource Support and Financial Flexibility to Ensure Multi-Year Strategic Plan Delivers on Equity and Students Achievement… @trusteemammo @rchernoslin
Read 67 tweets
Sep 14, 2021
This afternoon @tdsb Planning & Priorities Committee begins at 4:30 Agenda - Staff Report on Indigenous Land-Based Learning, Staff Report on Implementation of a Mandatory Vaccination Procedure & Staff Update on Return to School - Watch here… Will live tweet
The "Implementation of a Mandatory Vaccine Procedure" is now posted with the agenda for today's @tdsb P & P - look forward to the staff presentation…
Meeting begins with @OPSBA Director's Report - highlights Vaccination advocacy, #AboveandBeyond social media campaign; Transitioning from COVID Experience and student survey… and more...
Read 46 tweets
Aug 17, 2021
Special Virtual COVID-19 @tdsb Planning & Priorities Meeting begins at 4:30 - Watch here… - Will live tweet
Meeting begins with a delegation from a school council - questions about lunch - hopefully they will be answered through @TOPublicHealth presentation
Update from @TOPublicHealth begins
Read 87 tweets
May 7, 2021
Today at 4pm @tdsb Special Planning & Priorities Committee where staff will present preliminary analysis of September 2021 Guidance and Funding Announcements from the Ministry of Education. If you can, join us. Will be live tweeting.…
Director @TDSBDirector begins - these are the topics going to be covered today - proud of the work since Tuesday in order to bring as detailed information as possible
Beginning with remote learning options and those details - and we have been in touch with @TOPublicHealth on vaccinations for children within the next week or two - cohorting in elementary will continue
Read 51 tweets

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