Next up is @FarrisTimimi talking about "To tweet or not to tweet".
He starts with talking about risk mitigation in #HCSM
You need to recognize risk in order to mitigate it.
Need to have effective onboarding of the new staff
Meaningful training
Actionable and comprehensible of #SoMe Guidelines!
Onboarding is a critical time.
Meet with new employees or in the era of #COVID19 thru zoom/youtube to get them acquainted with policies of the institutions.
Social media residency and healthcare certification so that employees can use #SoMe with confidence
Third and important element is guidelines. They are not hurdles but a helpful factor in tweeting.
They NEED to be comprehensible and actionable!
Optimize your profiles!
Disclaimer is not a legal protection so be wary. Always post on your behalf and not that of your staff or institution. #HIPAA applies in ALL circumstances.
NOBODY IS ANONYMOUS these days so dont try to have anonymous profiles!
Power of #SoMe you have a wide outreach. But it is a responsibility too!
SO before you take the leap and tweet think!
Be real and you have to have a very good listening ability in order to engage with people of twitter! And in the end, follow these guidance!
Old trials have suggested no benefit in symptoms over time as well. Same with ischemia showing no benefit in composite endpoint or in symptoms.
He questions a 2 point change in SAQ summary score seen in ISCHEMIA. What does it exactly mean in clinical world?
Now on is Dr. Eshtehardi @CoronaryDoc talking about "Going Live: Tweets, Tweetorials and Twitter Polls" Last talk in the session.
Great point: Structure of a simple tweet has many intricate parts! Text, hashtags, people tagged in the text AND photos, links and replies!
You can determine who can reply to the tweets.
Tweetorials are an important part of #MedTwitter#cardiotwitter education.
We also have a repository of up to 2000 tweetorials now!