Does this pathology explain the finding?? Is this concordant? Final mgmt. and teaching points coming tomorrow!!
@LizaMQuintana From the Rad perspective -- PASH explained the imaging finding for Case #2. Because PASH is benign, we returned the patient to screening.
Check out radiology and pathology teaching points for #breastradpath Case #2
53 yo had a screening MG. Maybe some new calcs or distortion in rt breast (arrow, 3D not shown)? #radres#radfellows -which images would you want during diag work-up??
She returned for diag work-up. Common diag w/u is mag views for calcs and tomo spots/90 for poss AD. But we decided to start with #contrastmammo & use enhancement to triage. What do you think? Based on these images alone, does it change your level of concern???? Ddx??
Rather than showing you other diag images, which weren't that helpful, I'm showing the US. Could this be a correlate??? Does it change your level of concern?? Ddx??
Share thoughts below.... more to come tomorrow!
2/But before we can talk about the male breast, we first need to review the female breast. The female breast is made of skin, breast fat, ducts, and lobules. The breast sits on the pectoralis major muscle of the chest wall
3/The female breast is like a tree in springtime. A group of buds on a tree are like breast lobules (one bud is called an acinus). The tree branches are like breast ducts. Can you see the similarities between the sakura cherry tree and the specimen of breast tissue below???
1/ Let the tweetorials begin for our #breastradpath series with @LizaMQuintana! We're starting with the basics of screening mammography for #BCAM
Each screening mammo has 4 images-2 of the right breast and 2 of the left. If any abnormality is seen then we get more images
2/ There are 2 main areas on all mammograms - white areas are glandular tissue (part of breast that makes milk, yellow on image) & black areas are breast fat (blue). All women have both but in different proportions #breastdensity
3/ Check out what this looks like on the pathology slide. And just to give some definitions: adipose tissue=breast fat, terminal duct lobular unit=glandular tissue, stroma=supporting structure of breast #Breastpath