The Bhagavad Gita portions are in fact a live running commentary by Sanjaya to Dhritarashtra. The author Sri Vyasa in Mahabharata gives Bhagavad Gita to us through Sanjaya only.
One (Arjuna) listened Srimad Bhagavad Gita directly in front of Lord Krishna. One with divine vision (and ear, both given by Vedav Vyasa) at the Hastinapura palace also listened (Sanjaya). One more heard the running voice commentary through Sanjaya (the king Dhritarashtra).
Sage Vyasa (who knows the past, present and future) became the author of Mahabharata (Vyasa Bharata) by remembering everything later!
One more fact, Arjuna Forgot the Gita later, who wanted to hear again but the request was rejected by Lord Krishna! (MB14: Aswamedha , C-16)
Bhagwaan Krishna felt sad on this forgotten aspect. But instead Bhagwaan Krishna gave one Anugita.
यमलोक सब ओर से छियासी हज़ार योजन विस्तृत है । वहां नाना प्रकार के भयानक रूपधारण करने वाले यमदूत रहते हैं और उन्हीं के कारण वह पूरी बड़ी भयङ्कर प्रतीत होती है दुष्टात्मा, क्रूर एवं पापी पुरुषों के लिए यमपुरी दूर होने पर भी निकट सी ही प्रतीत होती है ।
वे तीखे काँटों से युक्त, कंकड़ पत्थरों से विभूषित, छुरे की धारों से आच्छादित और तीक्ष्ण पत्थरों से निर्मित मार्ग से यात्रा करते हैं ।
निकृष्ट मार्ग से यमराज के नगर में गए हुए पापी जीव आज्ञा मिलने पर दूतों द्वारा यमराज के सम्मुख पहुंचाए जाते हैं ।
वहां चित्रगुप्त उन पापियों को धर्मोपदेश करते हुए उनके पापों का स्मरण करते हैं । तब उन्हें पाप से शुद्ध करने के लिए यमदूत नरक के समुद्र में डाल देते हैं ।
नरकों की अट्ठाइस श्रेणियां हैं, जो सातवें पाताल के अन्त घोर अन्धकार के भीतर स्थित है -
Morning Satsang : Vanquishing Pride is True Sacrifice
Can we describe the colour of water? God is, likewise, indescribable. His appearance is like what you imagine Him. We see Him according to the magnitudes and proportions of our various passions.
The more mitigated one’s passions, the nearer one is to the true perception of Him. It is unwise to ask how a single Rama can be perceptible to many at the same time, for He is omnipresent, subtly inherent in all creation.
The Ultimate Reality is neither born nor dies; it exists everywhere, timelessly. Why, then, some may ask, celebrate His birthday? It is like this: some children were rollicking in the hall of the house, unaware that grandpa was at home and in the adjoining room;.....
What is the meaning or importance of snakes in Hinduism?
Snakes are very important in Hinduism. There are many reasons for this; snakes shed their skin, and grow it back later. This represents "rebirth", while also representing death and mortality. 1/n
Not just that - snakes cannot be tamed; hence, they represent freedom. Another reason is given :
All nagas are considered the offspring of the Rishi or sage, Kasyapa, the son of Marichi....
...Kashyapa is said to have had by his twelve wives, other diverse progeny including reptiles, birds, and all sorts of living beings.
They are denizens of the netherworld city called Bhogavati. It is believed that ant-hills mark its entrance.
Every person in Hindu community is linked to Kuldevi and Kuldev. Everyone in Hinduism have a Kuldevi and Kuldev.
So What is purpose of it?
Lets discuss that in the thread below. 1/n
If you are able to trace back your Poorvaj(Ancestor), you will come to know that at one point of time they originated from any Rishi who himself originated from any Devta.
In this way the Devta with whom your DNA matches, is your Kuldevta.
In case you don't know Kuldevta/Kuldevi, you can simply worship them with below mantras:
Shankaracharya (शङ्कराचार्य) is title of heads of dharma mathas in th Advaita Vedanta tradition.
Jagath Guru Shree Adi Shankaracharya set up 4 peetas in India (East West North & South). Peetas take th dharma forward & guide people for spiritually.
Adi Guru has introduced the Guru Shishya parampara across India. These peetas have main gurus who take the responsibility of dharma samrakshan and paripalan. They pass on the responsibility to next most eligible and shishya who is ready to take the vows.
This tradition passing on to the generations is called Amnaya (Tradition). This sampradaya has given immense spiritual richness of knowledge & wisdom to all the mankind on #SanatanaDharma.The 4 amnayas together are called CHATURAMNAYAS.