This paper has been cited 1163 times, except it DOES NOT EXIST.
This 'paper' was used in a style guide as a citation example, was included in some papers by accident, and then propagated from there, illustrating how some authors don't read *titles* let alone abstracts or papers
If you’re an academic you need a website so that people can easily find info about your research and publications. Here’s how to make your own website for free in around an hour [UPDATED 2020 THREAD]
This is the third annual edition of my thread tutorial. The big change for this year is that now I use Visual Studio Code (@code) instead of Rstudio. When I first starting making this updated tutorial with Rstudio I kept running into problems, so that's why I changed.
The other big change is that the website files will be hosted on @github, which makes version control and updating your site much easier. The actual site will be hosted on @netlify, and you'll make your site using the @wowchemy template
I'm taking a break from my own grant application by assessing other grant applications, because I'm a nerd like that. Doing this is providing a good reminder of the benefit of leaving some white space and including plenty of figures in my own application
Personally, I aim to have at least ONE object per page. This object could be either be a figure, text box, or table.
I’ve had a few people tell me you should leave about 1/5 of the final page blank to demonstrate that your project is so clear that don’t even need the whole page limit to describe it. That’s some 3D chess right there...
Our new paper describing recent advances in the field of intranasal oxytocin research has just been published in @MolPsychiatry 🎉
We outline why we think intranasally administered oxytocin reaches the brain & highlight the work that needs to be done ⬇️
Was a pleasure working with Alex, @sallyagrace, @DirkScheele85, Yina, and @bn_becker on this paper, which we first proposed over a few beers at conference last year 🍻
Double-blind peer review is rare in my field but even if it wasn’t I don’t think it would be effective as it’s pretty easy in small fields to figure out the authors based on the research questions and methods alone
I recently got a peer review request with just an abstract and I was able to guess the authors, which was confirmed when I agreed and got full access to the paper
Preprints are getting pretty popular too, which make double-blinding pretty useless if you’re keeping an eye on preprints. The huge upside with preprints outweighs the loss of double-blind reviewing IMO
Here's the power contour plot for this scenario ⬇️
If the reader thinks that interesting effect sizes are LOWER than δ = 0.3, then it's easy to see that the chances of reliably detecting such effects drops pretty quickly.