I use DDG to search inside sites a lot now, usually on YouTube, but now apparently on Twitter. Manipulative fools.
Wait...I spoke too soon. There aren’t any tweets in the DDG search newer than 2018. Most are taken down. And *my* new #obamagate is now the only “latest” result for this popular hashtag?! What’s going on?
My guess is DDG uses old data from the Twitter API.
Maybe it’s just me, but here’s what I got when I searched on Startpage: #obamagate site:Twitter.com
I’m not on a VPN; I’m using Brave...trying FireFox...got the same problem.
Compare the saved search result from webcrawler.com/serp?q=obamaga… about a Buzzfeed story with the current page on Buzzfeed itself.
Anyway, that above DDG search is useful for purposes of seeing just how many #obamagate tweets have been taken down. And the fact that only my tweets of the last hour appear (for now...) in the Latest tab is really revealing.
@Jack, this is a legit topic. Why so much censorship?
Leftists have been lying that white supremacists are responsible. An undercover journalist set out to prove this but discovered it was black bloc anarchists, as we knew all along.
It really is worth thinking hard about whether left and right would be quite as much at each other’s throats but for certain polarizing figures and bad media habits.
Go to all the archive footage of Biden’s embarrassing racist statements. Use deep fake tech to put Trump’s face on Biden’s. Release the video without comment or notes in Democratic echo chambers. Observe results.