@ranrae The Pagans believe Jesus to be the sun. Some Christians have also adapted the sun as a symbol of the Christ energy. While in a way, this is right, because the soul of Jesus came from that of the energy of the Galactic Sun, which is the body of God...
@ranrae It doesn't meant he is the sun. He takes part, as many souls do in the seven days of light. Together in oneness he is all, but he was also a human. The stories told in the Bible are both fables and interpretations as well a mixture of truth.
@ranrae From my perspective, as it has been shown to me, he lived many human lives as well as is connected to the overall energy of the Galactic Sun within this specific universe, as are many humans.
In the end, all is Source. So Jesus is Source as you and I are Source.
Hello everyone, apologies for yesterday. I took a nap and slept right through my alarm, waking up late at night.
Soon after, I went back to sleep and just woke up 👀😂🙏
I have been guided to post the main channeled message on YouTube at 7:11 pm EST.
I asked for a significance in this number, and the message that came through is this:
"711 is a number that represents spirituality, learning and life purpose alignment. We (my higher self and Jesus) have chosen this number to represent the alignment of the energy of those....
listening to the messages that will come through.
Once they listen to the message, those who understand numerology will understand the number's relevance even deeper. Those who don't, we ask that you look up the meaning of 711 online from various sources.
Answer from Yehosh'ua (Jesus): My beloved Mary Magdalene and I had two children before the events that led to the crucifixion. Because we were not married yet, we were outcasts.
People stayed away from us in the markets. We weren't allowed to live in the city center.
Even my mother had difficulty accepting that we were not married.
Eventually, we did get marry. This celebration was not a traditional one. We did not marry through law nor church. We married each other in the eyes of God.
Our celebration was quite small yet very fulfilling. We did not need to align to the constructs of society in order to be happy with each other.
I was quite a rebel at the time, and that is one of the reasons Miriam loved me.
Answer from Yehosh'ua (Jesus): By staying within the present moment. Pain, suffering, trauma are all part of the past experiences. Maintaining your mind in the NOW moment will help you release the trauma.
It will fight it's way to control to keep you in the past experiences or in the future. In the energy of lack. This energy of lack does not exist in the present moment.
It only exists in the past or the future, both of which are illusions. Everything is happening right now.
One way you can keep yourself in the present moment is through focusing on your physicality. You can do this through breath work. This is why meditations begin through focus on your breath, to bring you to the present moment where all exists.
Focus on the NOW moment. This is how you will be happy once again.
Release your worries to us, your angels, your higher self, the ascended masters. We are here to help you, but you must ask for help. We cannot interfere due to free will.
The reason the world finds itself in chaos now is because of the collapse of all that doesn't belong.
Do not focus on the past nor the future. Release those burdens. Be in the present moment and you will flourish.