⚠️ As Senate Republicans continue packing the court, here's your daily reminder of how many Americans would lose healthcare coverage if the #ACA is struck down by the Trump/GOP lawsuit in all 435 Congressional Districts. acasignups.net/20/09/29/how-m…
In Massachusetts, 192,000 would likely lose healthcare coverage.
In Michigan, 827,000 would likely lose healthcare coverage.
In Minnesota, 337,000 would likely lose healthcare coverage.
NATIONALLY, ~23 MILLION Americans would likely lose their healthcare coverage, and states would lose $135 BILLION in federal funding each year...in the middle of a pandemic.
For those wondering how the hell Gary Peters can be in such danger from John James, here’s my take as a native Michigander:
1. First, Gary is a great guy, a great Senator and a pretty good candidate. 1/
2. Having said that, he’s also very low-key and a behind-the-scenes work horse type; his name isn’t always in the news, meaning he’s still unknown to a lot of Michiganders despite being in the Senate for six years.
3. In the 2014 red wave, Peters was the only bright for Senate Dems. Again, he was a good candidate but he benefited greatly by his opponent being the worst Senate candidate in the history of ever, Terri Lynn Land.
FANTASTIC response. I'm stunned at how many people seem to be under the delusion that a woman will carry a pregnancy for 7 or 8 months and then suddenly, out of the blue, decide that they don't want to have a baby after all on a whim and undergo a medical procedure to stop it.
On top of everything else, how many people say to themselves, "you know what I feel like doing today? Undergoing a medical procedure which involves someone messing with my reproductive organs"?
I'm not a woman, but I'm guessing it isn't a particularly enjoyable experience.
Another way of underscoring Buttigieg's framing:
Imagine the "Married Life" sequence from "Up".
Now imagine that Ellie was *heavily pregnant* in the second shot.
Most of the focus is rightly on the WH and Senate, but this is EXACTLY why I’m also raising money to help Dems #ExpandTheHouse. Donate to the following races today... 1/
Counties w/highest #COVID19 cases per capita: 1. Lincoln County, AR 2. Chattahoochee County, GA 3. Trousdale County, TN 4. Lafayette County, FL 5. Lake County, TN 6. Lee County, AR 7. Dakota County, NE 8. Buena Vista County, IA 9. Chicot County, AR 10. Nobles County, MN
Out of over 3,100 counties nationally, New York City's boroughs now rank #383, 504, 578, 821 & 1,343 in #COVID19 cases per capita.
This year has reminded us how vitally important GOVERNORS (#COVID19 response), ATTORNEYS GENERAL (defending the #ACA & voting rights) and SECRETARIES OF STATE (protecting voting rights) are! Donate to elect #MoreDemExecs today! 2/ #DemCast secure.actblue.com/donate/gov_ag_…
Here’s the thing: I’d be busting my ass for not just Biden but Dems up and down the ballot JUST AS HARD even if I was 100% certain that he was going to win both the popular AND Electoral College, for several reasons:
First, because we have to run up the score as much as possible to counter/minimise all of the GOP voter suppression/legal challenge bullshit.
Second, because the more we run up the score for Biden/Harris, the better chance we have of flipping the Senate, expanding the House and flipping state legislatures, which makes actually passing & implementing legislation easier (or even possible in the case of the Senate).