-Admitted pts = weight based prophylaxis (unless contraindications)
-IMV = therapeutic anticoagulation
-Intermediate dosing has ZERO evidence base
-Thrombolysis --> Only if other indication (i.e. MI, PE, CVA)
-Will not work on everyone
-Longer duration is better than shorter duration
-Pts require frequent assessments as they can become prone and O2 dependent (DO NOT ADMIT to Regular Floor)
-Early disease is high compliance disease
-Try to delay intubation with HFNC or NIV
-High compliance = PEEP ≤15cmH20 + Higher FiO2 (Don't follow ARDSnet as can cause harm)
-Tolerate lower O2 sats (88 to 94%)
-ECMO as salvage therapy can be a bridge to nowhere
-ECMO earlier in disease spares potential toxicities of high dose pressors, High PEEP, High FiO2, & sedation/analgesia
-May pts extubated within 24 to 48hrs
-Pt selection is key in order for this to work
-Early data showed reduced viral load
-Subsequent data showed no effect on mortality or prophylaxis
-Potential increase in cardiac dysrhythmias
-Evidence DOES NOT support use of HCQ
Expedited thirst for info & rapidity of pandemic lead to abbreviated peer review, publication of unvalidated data, retraction, and dissemination through press release
When to change = multidisciplinary discussion to set standard care at each institution
N95 Decontamination and Reuse
Make sure technique kills virus BUT doesn't affect filtration or fit
Best options: Vaporized H202, UV Light 260 - 285nm, or Time based strategy
2nd Best options: Autoclave 121C or Dry Heat 70C
Not an Option: 70% Ethanol
High-Pulmonary Compliance: Hypoxic vasoconstriction. Major issue is lung perfusion. Increasing PEEP and prone positioning are of minimal help with recruitment of collapsed lungs. In these patients high PEEP (>15cmH20) may compromise right cardiac filling
Oxygen Alone vs Ventilation: High FiO2 more important in the short run, other interventions (i.e. intubation) may be more harmful than buying time
In pts with suspected COVID-19, airborne precautions, hand hygiene, & donning of PPE is recommended
Double gloving, as standard practice might provide extra protection & minimize spreading via fomite contamination to surrounding equipment after intubation
Have a backup airway plan ready to go prior to intubation
Most skilled person at intubation should perform the procedure to minimize attempts