Today in pulp: my top predictions for 2021! This is what the year ahead will bring us and I promise I will be less wrong than everyone else.
Yes I'm getting these in early because I'm so confident... #FridayFeeling
Prediction #1: facemasks will be connected to the Internet of Things in 2021!
They wont work - obviously - but some start-up will do it because it's a) obvious b) stupid and c) involves tech. People will still forget to wear them in shops...
Prediction #2: Scotland will launch it's own cryptocurrency in 2021!
Sort of. Some FinTech firm desperate for PR will try to jump on the independence bandwagon, offering Holyrood a 'new' currency based on blockchain and bullshit. They may also have a bridge they want to sell...
For today's #WednesdayWisdom a tale of an unintentionally radical publisher. It only produced 42 books between 1968-9, but it caught the hedonistic, solipsistic, free love mood of the West Coast freakout scene like no other.
This is the story of Essex House...
Essex House was an offshoot of Parliament Press, a California publishing company set up by pulp artist Milton Luros after the market for pulp magazines began to decline. It specialised in stag magazines sold through liquor stores, to skirt around US obscenity publishing laws.
By the 1960s Parliament Press was already selling pornographic novels through its Brandon House imprint, though these were mostly reprints or translations of existing work. Luros was interested in publishing new erotic authors, and set up Essex House to do just that.
"All irregularities will be handled by the forces controlling each dimension." So begins one of the most enigmatic and chilling horror series ever broadcast by ITV. This is ita story.
Britain's ITV network had a strong reputation for children's paranormal drama in the 1970s: Timeslip, Ace Of Wands and The Tomorrow People all featured people with extraordinary powers tackling mysterious foes.
Against this background writer Peter J. Hammond pitched the idea of a new children's show - initially called The Time Menders - to Thames Television. They declined, but rival ATV were impressed by the strength of the scripts and took the project on.
Happy #NationalAlbumDay everybody! And to celebrate here's my top 5 greatest albums of the '80s.
Are they all from Ronco? YES THEY ARE!
At no 5: Chart Runners vol 1 & 2. Featuring the epic New Wave sounds of Kissing The Pink! (1983). What was "The Last Film" YOU ever saw? I bet it was Tron!
At no 4: Street Level (1980)! Nothing says New Wave more than standing in an underpass wearing shades!