Data Protection Authority investigation of our complaints finds that the IAB Transparency and Consent Framework infringes the GDPR.…
I have left many out (for example, @PiDewitte). 22 complainants in 16 countries are involved in this.
The APD Inspectorate Service agreed with our complaints, and concluded that the IAB "TCF" allows companies to swap sensitive data about people even when this is not authorised. It says IAB Europe "neglects the risks that would impact on the rights and freedoms of data subjects”.
In addition, “The TCF does not provide adequate rules for the processing of special categories of personal data. However, the OpenRTB standard, framed by IAB Europe’s TCF, does allow the processing of special categories of personal data".
See this thread for a reminder of just how intimate RTB data can be. Example: LGBTQ+ people were profiled by a data broker using RTB data to influence a national election.
The APD Inspectorate Service also said “the Inspection Service believes that IAB Europe is trying to avoid its liability to the GDPR, constituting an aggravating circumstance”. #IABTCF#TCF#GDPR
It also found that IAB Europe had failed in the most basic aspects of GDPR compliance.
It reports that the privacy policy on IAB Europe's website is not compliant. (I filed a formal complaint about that in 2019…)
In addition, the APD found that IAB Europe failed in other basic GDPR compliance measures. Nor did it appoint a data protection officer, or maintain a registry of what it does with personal data, or have clearly defined controller/processor relationships with its own vendors.
This is significant for the IAB's attempt to market a variant of the TCF as a solution for the CCPA and CPRA. @ashk4n@caprivacyorg
The IAB "Framework" is used by Google and others to paint a thin legal veneer over the vast data breach at the heart of the behavioural advertising system. Now, the APD-GBA is peeling this veneer off.
This is good news for publishers, which have had their audiences stollen from them for a decade, been subject to tracking based bot fraud, and subject to vast adtech taxes. Here's the view from a smart colleague working at the NYT.
Today, we release new data on the consequences of the biggest data breach of all time: Real-Time Bidding. Two years after my complaint about the RTB privacy crisis, @DPCIreland has failed to end it. @ICCLtweet…
Here is a list of the companies that Google sends RTB data to in Europe. It is 25 pages long!
(US list is longer, and has companies from many nations)…
The online advertising market requires both internal & external #GDPR enforcement. @Brave's new submission to @CMAgovUK shows why we need to act against the vast RTB data breach, but also act against Google's internal data-free-for-all too.…
@brave@CMAgovUK Google, and Facebook, operate internal data free-for-alls that sustain their monopolies. In competition law, that's a problem. But it's also a problem in data protection law - and data protection law happens to have a handy *consumer-led* remedy!
@brave@CMAgovUK@Kartellamt@ICOnews It is tricky, because the vertically integrated platforms can hide behind three layers of infringement. Data protection authorities have to knock down all three. But once they do, the Googles and Facebooks have nowhere to hide.
New report from @brave: people seeking help for addiction, disability, and poverty on council websites are profiled by private companies in the UK.…
@brave JavaScript inventor and @brave's CEO @BrendanEich calls on Elizabeth Denham @ICOnews to finally act against RTB and adtech in his foreword.
The CEO of the tracking industry lobby is throwing stones at a publisher group CEO for supporting the GDPR. But oddly, he cites an early research working paper in to an e-commerce (not publisher) revenue impact hit from the #GDPR.
Also, the tracking industry lobby group CEO counts Equifax, Acxiom (as featured in #TheGreatHack), and the rest of the major data brokers as his paying members, plus Facebook and other privacy harming companies.
Unanswered question: Was Cambridge Analytica an @IAB member? Most of Cambridge Analytica’s data sources are current @IAB members, as are other “data management platforms”. @r2rothenberg@alexpropes@jason_kint
I have requested that Europe’s Competition Commissioner @vestager examine the online “behavioural” advertising market to prevent anticompetitive practices that disadvantage publishers, restrict innovation, and limit consumer choice.…#antitrust
Here are some of the questions we ask the @EU_Competition to consider. Do online platforms leverage dominant positions in one line of business by cross-using user data accumulated in that line of business to dominate other lines of business too, rather than compete on the merits?