I fully support the Mi'kmaq in their treaty rights, but this guy is wrong. He is trying to paint anyone who is French as being racist. I pointed out to him that many of the signatory signers of the 1760/61 treaty were partly French and they just deleted my post.
Francis Muis -novascotia.ca- Francis Muis for myself the Tribe of La Heve Indians of what I am chief - signatory of LaHeve Indians on the 1761 treaty. He was part French. You can not fix this problem dealing in 1/2 truths and outright lies.
I am Eastern Metis and I fully support the Mi'kmaw in their moderate livelihood treaty. These people using this situation to "hurl" Eastern Metis under the bus at this period in time are despicable!!
Taking a small segment of Nova Scotia who are fishermen and trying to paint all of us with the same brush, also despicable !! This is just keeping tensions high and making the situation worse as far as I am concerned. This is not helping in any way !! Bryson was never an ally !!
"They forfeited that title the other night" --- so those of us who have nothing to do with fishing are getting thrown together with those who do? In what world is this ok? This is not acceptable and he is hurting them, not helping them! I am helping in the only way I know how !
Since when do a small group of radicals speak for the whole group of people? Think about this carefully, and see what they (certain native activists) are trying to do, hint, it doesn't involve helping the moderate livelihood treaty situation.
So many people who do not understand this situation and just believing whatever they hear. The 1752 treaty was NOT won in the Marshall case. The lawyer switched to using 1760/61 treaties because 1. That 1752 treaty only covered the Shubenacadie band !!! They are the only ones
who signed it, and 2. Chief Cope himself renounced and destroyed the 1752 treaty and the Mi'kmaw continued fighting and supporting the French which also made the treaty null and void.
"Marshall’s lawyers abandoned his reliance upon the Treaty of 1752, and switched his focus to the Halifax Treaties of 1760-61.[5][7]" preserve.lib.unb.ca/wayback/201412…
It is also important to note that French Mi'kmaw signed that treaty as well . Which is further proof that not all French people are against the Mi'kmaw people in their moderate livelihood treaty.
More of my family who were signatories and part of the Mi'kmaw band even though they also had French ancestry.
Bryson's and Veldon's great friend who also tries so hard to turn everyone against the Eastern Metis , @DarrylLeroux , has this to say about the 1726 signatory Mathew Muis. Apparently those signatories are important historical figures for the Mi'kmaw people.
Mi'kmaq Treaties on Trial- History, Land and Donald Marshall Junior - By William Wicken - Mathew Muse. William Wicken is the expert court historian and witness for the Mi'kmaw in the Marshall case.
Cape Sable Mathew Muse. - Mathew Muse was very much considered Mi'kmaw.
The Mi'kmaq Nation and the Embodient of Political Ideologies- Ni'kmaq, Protocol and Treaty Negotiations of the Eighteenth Century. - Mathieu Meuse.
Mathieu Muis. - Archives of Nova Scotia - An Acadian Parish Remembered. So why do you think these 3 bad actors are trying so hard to get rid of French Mi'kmaw signatories? Doesn't take a genius to figure that out !!
I just want the facts fully known, so people can back up their opinions with facts. Education is key, people need to be educated about the treaties. Most don't have a clue about them! They should be taught in school, Nova Scotia really needs to step up their game, but we all know
why they won't. Knowledge is power and they don't want to empower the native people. 🤔 They want to keep everyone confused and fighting while they figure out how they are going to deal with this huge ass mess they have created !!
Ahhh -- I finally understand what Jarvis is trying to insinuate with all the " No Metis " in the maritimes until they self- identified in 1999, trying to say they were only interested in the Marshall decision!!
What a load of bullshit that is!! #Metis were in the bylaws and constitutions of the Union of Nova Scotia Indians since the 70's. No way am I saying that is when Metis people established themselves, they were here for years, even if they didn't call themselves that. Adam Gaudry's
thesis- He has also published extensively on Métis identity, history, and political thought; Indigenous research methodologies; land-based learning; and indigenization policy in Canadian post-secondary education.
The Metis in SouthWestern Nova Scotia-William Wicken- Oct 2004-Philippe married into the Mi'kmaq community and was living with his wife at La Heve. Vige@Ouikamakagan- Eel Brook -Vigers my relations, Guedry's my relations, Mueses my relations. Who am I? No one .. All my relations
Boy they sure want to make sure the truth does not get out there. Block me if you want, but if you want the truth , just ask ..
Considering Seb just got granted a research grant from Carleton university, should tell you how scared of the truth they are . carleton.ca/fpa/2020/insig…
The funny thing is, they are just blocking themselves from the truth, not all of twitter, :P .. I am thinking that is the same as being an ostrich and sticking your head in the sand, lol
Soooo, why is @CAPChief@CongAboPeoples refusing to answer? Are they representative of the Metis not of the RR Metis Nation or not ? If not, why do they have an accord saying they are ??
Canada and Political Accord with CAP 2018 - " and Metis Peoples."
What Jarvis really means, is that the signatory descendants of those treaties, who are Mi'kmaw Metis must never be acknowledged or talked about, Never ever ever !!. No one must know, otherwise it clouds the issues !! 🤔😉
Katherine Sorbey - Mi'kmaq elder, historian, founding member of the NonStatus and Metis asssociation of Nova Scotia.
UNSI nominates executive slate for 77 - Kathy Brown Paul - former president of Non Status Indian and Metis Association of Nova Scotia - MicmacNews-1977-04.
Senate report 23rd Issue - Proceedings of the Standing Senate Committee on Aboriginal Peoples. #Metis#EasternMetis
Senate report 23rd Issue - P Chartrand and Senator Dyck -legal test of Powley for who a Metis person is, versus Metis National Council. - They are different. #MetisNations