With a side focus on the sectarian mention from Claire
You see Michael Gove once accused Theresa May of being a threat to post-brexit Britain
"Michael Gove has declared Theresa May to be “Britain’s first Catholic Prime Minister” and warned that this means she could be a risk to post-Brexit Britain."
"However former Leave campaign leader Michael Gove, who is well-read in theology, thinks there could be a problem with Catholicism’s focus on the “common good” and the “dignity of work and workers” ahead of the pursuit of profit and individual prosperity."
"It is the latter, the “Protestant work ethic”, which led to the country reaching the lofty heights of the British Empire, according to Mr Gove, pursuing “a global, maritime, buccaneering, individualistic, liberal destiny”."
"Failing to follow the individualist path post Brexit would be a mistake, he says."
“The Church of England is indispensable to a new politics of the common good beyond the liberalism of both left and right that underpins the global ‘market-state’.
“In the early days of the war in 1914, the government sought to raise 350 million pounds -- about 38 billion pounds today -- through the issuance of a War Loans, with 250 million pounds of that coming directly from the public. “