Want to learn about data visualization? Check out @ClausWilke's "Fundamentals of Data Visualization." While not a book about R specifically, it's a great resource for learning what makes a good, interpretable viz. Plus, the book's code is available!
1/5 THE LONG WAIT IS OVER! I'm happy to announce the release of rayshader with 3D ggplots. Pull up your favorite ggplot viz and throw it into the new plot_gg() function, and watch rayshader transform it into 3D. #rstats#rayshader#dataviz
Since ggplot2 is an incredibly complex package, there will certainly be bugs--if something renders oddly, leave an issue on the Github page.
3/5 Part of the reason it took so long was I wanted to a dead simple interface for 3D plots. No complex interfaces or APIs to learn-it's one line of code to transform your plot into 3D.
Check out the documentation and examples at the pkgdown website: