Lewis asks what state can be doing to support teachers and others
Superintendent Piwowar: appreciate saying it's like a first year teacher or administrator
"there's been the conversation about MCAS and accountability and all the pieces that go with that"
"very anxiety provoking for teachers"
"if it's given, we should say loudly and clearly that we're using it for diagnostic" not for comparing
"context varies widely"
"ramp down the accountability place and say that loudly and clearly and widely" #MAEdu
Springfield superintendent Dan Warwick (backlit)
Note that Springfield, the third largest district in the state, is fully remote #MAedu
have 57 schools; three that were built in the 1800's
industrial hygienist coming back with report to committee on Thursday
have 8 positive cases with staff, even as they are working remotely
looking at report and levels of virus in making decisions on moving forward
about 50% of parents did not want kids back in buildings
over 50% of parents of high needs students did not want them to come back in
work to concentrate on remote learning being done effectively #MAEdu
have paid for ComCast essentials for all of our families or provided hotspots
one to one program implemented
days before school opened very helpful; work on staff collaboration for remote students
staff reached out to every family and go over program with every family #MAEdu
"not against the MCAS, but" don't think this year it's advisable
staffing okay, due to remote; will have staff on health leave once back in buildings
full day program for all students; combination of synchronous and asynchronous learning
taking attendance and grading
Siobhan Conz, principal, White Street School: important to maintain instruction
Many parents are essential workers; needed to have school do the work for them on education
pleased with model of remote learning; full direct instruction for full day with appropriate breaks from technology
time to learn technology tools, pacing guides with PD before school started
focused with staff on who, what, how on remote learning
Kaitlin Hogue, teacher: seeing where students place on standards that previous year required
follow model of regular school day which she's not reviewing
distribution of learning materials to students: hands on learning with distribution of materials to families
"we've provided all the materials families need for their students to learn at home"
students have done an amazing job of adapting to the technology
Peisch says this answers her first question
Peisch: what do you find of attention span?
Hogue: similar to what it is in the classroom
have been very creative in what we've done in delivering instruction
work varies from day to day
do think technology lends itself to switching it up more than you would in the classroom
"a lot of movement and brain breaks over the day, getting them up and moving around"
Peisch: students whose parents are not able to be there? Childcare?
Conz: various agencies supporting families; have two staff that can work with families on these needs
constantly visiting classrooms online to evaluate needs
Lewis: interesting to share your thoughts with us
"sounds like the kind of teaching and learning in the Springfield Public Schools is light years ahead of where we were in the spring"
truggling with "a lot of testimony" heard earlier today that there's no replacement for in-person
speak more about decision; what is your thinking relative to what other districts are doing
Warwick: as a district, goals is to bring kids back in
concerns about ventilation systems; school committee voted to go remote
Note that building conditions and ventilation were not mentioned at all by the Commissioner or Secretary. #MAEdu
Lewis: very impressed by what you're accomplishing in the Springfield public schools
Hadley: Annie McKenzie, superintendent
"the town of Hadley may have more cows than kids"
met frequently over the summer to create reopening plan
cohorts, transition over time #MAEdu
only 50% of students came back for start
80% of elementary in-person five days a week
35% of middle and high in person five days a week; they're not a fan of the cohort model
"one big ask today: I would characterize it as a 'beg'"
statewide surveillance testing strategy in K-12 schools:
"the key to equitable educational outcomes is prevention"
Paul Phifer, Hadley School Committee
children in Hadley and in Amherst school districts
shoutout to your work and that of the administration
have experienced "contentious school committee meetings"
"all well intentioned"
difficult conversations; "I don't welcome a return to those conversations, but I think they're necessary"
that will be difficult
one is full day remote, one has started back part day
"we heard a lot of effects of the students, but I hear a lot of the parents"
"easy to quantify the effects of the disease, but we certainly can't quantify the effects of not being in school"
Lewis: how were you able to get students back, considering space and buses
McKenzie: were concerned about virus transmission, so we cohorted everybody
upper grades are doing remote learning in schools
"spacing is not as difficult when you don't have 25,000 students"
transportation: families were willing to help us
"this also speaks to the disparate impact of the pandemic" as not every district has families that can do that
Peisch: internet access?
McKenzie: issue of access in western Mass "cannot be understated"
not nearly an issue for the Route 9 corridor, but it is for the hill towns and Hampshire County
Peisch: sense to which families have struggling issue?
McKenzie: still an significant issue
"certainly was a great deal of help from the state...but that is just an equity issue that I don't think is resolved to anyone's satisfaction"
Tracy Fuller, YMCA of the North Shore; academic learning pods
YMCAs have been meeting weekly on how best to serve families in the communities
sustained support for families
students learning remotely in cohorts on different schedules for lunch and snack
students as young as five online for hours
prioritizing a liaison with schools and Y's
Lewis thinks its remarkable how Y's have stepped up
"I've been a little frustrated that school districts haven't been stepping forward to fund" some of the services that are being provided by Y's
(thus my "I'm sorry what" reaction)
Fuller: Salem has to an extent
"we understand" school districts are dealing with unanticipated costs
Much more funding is going to be needed
Closing remarks:
Lewis: clearly understand need for more funding
While there have been additional dollars for pandemic relief, "I want to be clear that we do not see that as a substitute for the Student Opportunity Act"
do welcome written testimony from any education stakeholders
Peisch: urge submission of written testimony from educators
remain very supportive about implementing the Student Opportunity Act 'as much as is possible'
thought we would have seen federal aid by now
(me, too!)
.@RepAlicePeisch "very encouraged today by those in the field who are doing extraordinary work"
very optimistic
doing "just an incredible job of dealing with this unprecedented situation"
"we'll be doing all we can to support you"
@DanaGoldstein Dana, here's what my district in Worcester, Massachusetts needs to get all students back into classrooms:
Somewhere between twice as much and three times as much space as we have now, given how crowded our spaces are. We have nearly fifty schools, so plan accordingly.
@DanaGoldstein We then will need staffing for those spaces. Now, we're already an underresourced district: by the state's own measures, we are already short about 700 teachers.
To that add probably at least another 2000 teachers to have actual staff in those additional classroom spaces.
@DanaGoldstein Now, that's assuming that the $15M that our city is putting into our HVAC systems for ionization equipment is sufficient to let us use all the spaces we have.
It is far and away the most useful document I use as a #Worcester School Committee member (I’d argue it should be), and I feel very, very lucky to work with it.
I personally know that I do a better job because of the budget document we receive from which to deliberate.
If you, anywhere else in Massachusetts, find my school finance work on here and elsewhere of use, ten plus years of close use of the #WorcSchools budget book is part of why.
#MaEdu, we are approaching an anniversary!
Remember this?
November 26, 2019
Boston English High School
signing of the Student Opportunity Act
The once-a-generation update on our commitment to our children, as is the constitutional duty of "legislatures and magistrates" #MAEdu
You might also remember my noting:
There was no money in the Student Opportunity Act.
It was a statement of intent, but the proof very much was to be in subsequent budgets. #MAEdu