Step in the classroom, sit down, and BOOM, panic and anxiety would set in
I'd immediately get up, leave the class and do deep breathing in the hallway
I believed the classroom was causing the panic
So I stopped going...until
I had enough of the constant need to escape
I was tired of fearing the classroom..
I was tired of fearing "What will people think if they see me having a panic attack?"..
I was tired of running...
One day I told myself "Today, I'm not running anywhere. I don't care how bad it gets. I don't care. Let whatever happen. If I faint, pass out and everyone makes fun of me so be it, but today, I'm not running."
Journaling is a game changing tool. Many sleep on it because they’re worried about being made fun of for keeping a diary. It makes you think of a young girl writing about her crush as school. But guess what? You’re not writing for other people. You’re writing for you.
Life's too short to not do something because others might make fun of you. They’re judging you for recording your thoughts & experiences. How stupid is that? Self-reflection and self-awareness, how horrible! In reality, these people are chained to the opinions of other people.
If you're anxious about some possible future event, say to yourself: "I will deal with it when (If) it comes, but until then, I will focus on my present reality."
- Accept the worst case scenario
- Focus on what's in your control now
Peace of mind
"But how do I accept the worst case scenario? Why would I want to accept it and give it?"
1- Acceptance isn't resignation.
Acceptance means to acknowledge a possible future (or current) reality. You see the situation for what IT IS, not what You want it to be.
When you're able to face the worst in your mind and accept it as a possibility, stress and anxiety decreases. You stop resisting what could happen.
Most likely, what you're worried about is totally outside your control.