Gross (& that's putting it mildly) income inequality is what defines America & reflects its Orwellian nature.…
Yes, Orwellian!
George Orwell based his novel, 1984, on 1930s fascism & communism, under Hitler & Stalin, projecting it onto a future Britain.
He unwittingly blinded us to how #BigBrother operates under liberal democracy, tricking us into loving him by posing as our nation.
"National income going to middle Americans fell from 62% to 43% between 1970 & 2018, while the number of billionaires has surged: from 66 in 1990 with a combined wealth of $240bn, to 614 today, with a total fortune of nearly $3tn."
And this makes no mention of poor Americans.
#BigBrother IS the STATE, & not just under fascism & communism. In medieval Europe he was synonymous with the Catholic Church.
In liberal democracies like Britain & America he is far more subtle, allowing us many freedoms, but still enslaving us - ALL of us, rich & poor alike.
As in the film, #TheMatrix, most are unaware of their enslavement to BigB & the Matrix of state & capital. Especially the very wealthy & the wealthy enough. They feel free & privileged, which they are, compared to most, but ultimately they too are enslaved.
Unbeknown to Owen Jones, he too is enslaved, & wealthy enough, I am sure. He also enjoys a satisfying sense of his own moral superiority, as progressive lefties generally do, not realising that it is also a reward from BigB, who himself now poses as an anti-fascist & anti-racist.
Embracing an understandable overreaction to the evils of Nazism was BigB's cleverest move, since he embraced Christianity in medieval times. He weaponised it as the #CriticalRaceTheory ideology of #PostRacial#Multiculturalism, DIVERSITY, Inclusion & #AntiRacism.
Anyone opposing this ideology, which goes to the opposite but equally insane extremes of Nazi racial ideology of racial purity & supremacy, is labelled & condemned a RACIST, just as anyone opposing medieval church ideology was condemned as a heretic.
The opposite of #RacialPurity is #RacialMixing, which is what DIVERSITY is all about, being Orwellian newspeak for a global #MeltingPot, the destroyer of genuine human diversity, which is a product of pre-modern #NaturalSegregation.
The opposite of #RacialSupremacy is racial self-denial & self-contempt, which, via academia, has come to dominate the West, where the very existence of a White, European race - of which the Germans are just one ethnic group - is denied & despised.
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George Orwell based his novel, 1984, on 1930s fascism & communism, projecting them onto a future Britain & unwittingly making it difficult for us to recognise how #BigBrother would manifest himself in liberal democracies like our own.
Manifest himself he does, but not as in 1984. Instead, we are left many freedoms, while at the same time being enslaved - rich & poor alike - to BigB & #TheMatrix of state & capital. As in the film, most are completely unaware of it, & the well-served have no reason to become so.
But enslaved we are, to a system that is inherently unjust, inhumane, & unsustainable on our finite, vulnerable & overpopulated planet, #SpaceshipEarth.
Thus enslaved, our leaders have been unable to initiate the #SustainabilityRevolution on which our very survival depends.
The more I think about these quotes from #SamHarris the more they shock & disturb me.
If I were a psychotherapist & Sam my patient, I would conclude that he was suffering from a serious psychosis, which indeed, I believe he is. Only he shares it will many others.
My diagnosis is trans-generational trauma at the hands of the Nazis, who belonged to the same, White, European race as he does.
This trauma has alienated him & many other Ashkenazi Jews from their own race.
If it only affected Sam it would just be his own, personal issue.
If it only affected Jews, it would just be a Jewish issue.
The reality, however, is that it profoundly affects all the societies in which Ashkenazi Jews live, which amounts to western civilisation at large, where, owning to this trauma, Whites will soon become a racial minority.
Britain & America, like all so-called "nation states", are Orwellian constructs, based on lies, deceit & different regimes of rewards & intimidation. It is by deceitfully posing as nations that they deceive us into loving Big Brother.
They are mercenary "patron states" deceitfully posing as nations, in order to legitimise themselves, their ruling elites & the immense power they wield & abuse. As pseudo nations go, they are 2 of the best, thanks to their traditions of the rule of law & individual freedom.
However, Orwellian constructs, they remain, which makes them inherently unjust, inhumane & unsustainable on our finite, vulnerable & overpopulated planet, #SpaceshipEarth.
Either we quickly & radically reform them, or they - & we with them - will perish.
What I have recognised & given expression to above is no less profound & important than #Copernicus's recognition that the Earth is not stationary at the centre of the universe, but a wandering star (a planet) which orbits the Sun, like Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter & Saturn.
Academics have failed to recognise this truth, which is essential for understanding society & the state, because distracted & led astray by their overreaction to the evils of Nazism.
DarkHorse Podcast with Douglas Murray & Bret Weinstein. via @YouTube
I wanted to comment on this podcast when I tweeted it, but didn't know how to express myself. I still don't.
I like Bret a lot & would love to be friends with him & his family. When I watch his & Heather's podcast, esp. when live, I feel as if I'm looking in on friends.
I don't feel the same warmth towards Douglas. I'd still like to be friends with him, but can't imagine us becoming close friends. I find something alienating about gay men, which makes me want to keep my distance. There is also something of the arrogant intellectual about him.