How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App Constantine had known anything of jesus's teachings he would called the battle off & sought to negotiate a peaceful settlement with his enemy. society needs a shared moral authority. Otherwise it will just tear itself apart, which is what America & the West in general are currently doing. ideology has turned the West into an Orwellian nightmare. share most of David's liberal views, but not those regarding economic & population growth, which I believe to be insane, i.e. genocidal. gender ideology, it is Orwellian & moral-supremacist, going to the opposite extremes of Nazi ideology of racial purity & supremacy, on which it bases its spurious claims to moral authority & the power that comes with it: is this ideological commitment to a multi-racial & multicultural society (that has been imposed on Britain & most other western "democracies" by their political, academic & media elites by demonising all opposition to it as RACIST) that is the real cause of this insanity. order to achieve genuine unity in securing our survival & well-being on this, our finite, vulnerable & overpopulated planet, #SpaceshipEarth, we must first recognise & understand our enslavement to #BigBro & #TheMatrix of state & capital. too have put a lot of effort into trying to understand my own & closely related societies like America, i.e. the West, which are the only ones I know anything about. would think that social science academics would be intensely interested in understanding why ALL the greatest civilisations ultimately committed suicide, since this must surely have profound implications for our own, the greatest of all civilisations - but no. #SadiqKhan wants the #GreatReplacement to proceed as quickly as possible, I can understand, but that @DAaronovitch - himself a Native Briton - should want this too is puzzling, until you realise that he is driven by an ideology, just as his communist parents were. won't engage with me, presumably, because they think I'm a RACIST, & they don't engage with racists, anymore than they do with fascists. They are bound, ideologically, simply to demonise us; not to engage with us, despite me being neither a racist nor a fascist.