1/5 It has been a week since I talked to my parents and siblings who live in #Tigray. Every morning I wake up, the first thing i do is pickup my phone and check the news on twitter, facebook and other outlets to know which cities in Tigray .@AbiyAhmedAli has cluster-bombed using
2/5 his warplanes. The #Ethiopia|n government has shutdown phone, internet services to the #Tigray region. But I still hopelessly call my mom's number. Imagine how difficult it is to not be able to check on your elderly parents while COVID-19 is ravaging the nation.
3/5 The #Ethiopian government has already closed all banks, cut all food-aid programs and blocked all transport mechanisms to the region. The suffering of those who need immediate medical attention and food-aid is unimaginable.
4/5 The government claims the senseless war is against a few number of "criminals" and yet it is keep a whole region hostage. Thousands of #Tigray|ans living in other parts of the country are also being racially profiled and put in concentration camps.
5/5 All these atrocities are being committed by .@AbiyAhmedAli who has received the 2019 Peace Nobel Laureate. The international community should put pressure on the #Ethiopia|n government to restore telephone and internet communications in Tigray.
1. Dangerous developments of massive ethnic-profiling in Addis and beyond against Tigreans. Very disturbing reports are coming in confirming unprecedented, massive state sponsored ethnic profiling against Tigreans happening in many towns and cities.
Indiscriminate and blanket arrests are being made by Abiy’s security men in thousands.
The current mayor of Addis, Adanech Ababie, was on record officially stating that she was grateful receiving actionable reports of suspicion on 2000 Tigreans in a single day.
Residents and ordinary people are being mobilized against their neighbors and colleagues, and encouraged to suspect and report on any Tigrean.
The on-going propaganda of social-militarization has eroded standard values of decency and sanity in our societies,